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"Look what you've done, Eris?"

His sonorous and roaring voice was exceedingly detrimental. Any mortals wouldn't be able to withstand it even just for a brief period of time. She could feel its radiating effect even when she's not an earthbound being.

With her somber eyes, Eris couldn't help herself to look up and meet his blazing eyes. She won't stop changing his mind even if she had to persuade him countless times. She blamed herself for everything that happened and gone out of hand. Her grave mistake was irreversible— Yenaery's essence had already left in this realm. She failed to protect her. But she will do everything to bring her back. She had made a reckless decision that brought both of them to lose their lives. And now, she became a mere spirit with definite time to spare. "Please... save her life..." She kneeled and kowtowed reverently in the dusty ground. "Please give your grace and mercy for this piteous being— She didn't do anything. It was my fault..."

Lord Ronin stared at Eris with disdain. She kneeled beside the sprawling body of the insipid scum. She tried to obscure her from his sight as if she's trying to protect her from his wrath. She must've forgot her state of form after she perished, that she can no longer hide that trash from the faint shadow of her spirit. But her action clearly showed that they became attached to each other over the years. That made him want to regret why he didn't burned that trash into ashes along with those scums. As of now, his wrath had proliferated as Eris risked her life for that mortal trash. She's always been beneficent and tolerant towards them. Nothing had changed, she always gave her trust up to the range where she's willing to give her heart and sacrifice her life for them. And they don't even deserve it! "What you've done was irredeemable. Why do you always have to choose these lowly mortals and forget of who you are?"

She squirmed from the vehemence of his voice. His raging wrath was surging as his radiant light blazed perilously. "Forgive me, my Lord... But my choice will always be the same. It will never change..." She hates to remind him all over again. "And this is what my heart wants... It will always be..." She whispered those words as soft as she can ever do. Though, she knows every word was like venom that she spewed in front of him and she dreaded this moment for slashing it out to him once again.

She saw how her ruthless words strike towards his emotions. She saw the tinge of sadness that crept slowly and mellowed his blazing eyes. She felt remorse upon the incurable pain that she had inflicted to him over the times. A thousand years had passed but nothing had changed. Though, she felt sorry for not being able to reciprocate and accept him, he may condemn her but there's nothing else she can change.

She stared at the powerful deity who was her betrothed in celestial realm. The Council of primordial deities had conceded with high regard for their upcoming union. But who would dare to oppose? Lord Ronin was the most favored offspring by their everlasting maker, the Supreme deity.

She was one of the muses, the third of equally adroit and ethereal twelve sisters. They are minor deities and promethean pioneers that preside about music and arts. They embodied the source of knowledge and inspirations over wisdom and literature.

During one of their music presentations inside the grandiose lyceum for musical festivities of the realm— that was when Ronin found her while she played the majestic harp. It was the Feast of the Deities which everyone in their realm had gathered to celebrate the return of a highly honored deity. The renowned Deity of War.

Ronin was sent with an immense task and been away for a long period of time. But he returned victorious upon annihilating the threatening forces that seemed to encroach the nether realm. His accomplishment was highly significant since it strengthened and solidified the sacred covenant between the two realms. His great success had made him more prominent to acquire divine appellations and unlimited power throughout the times.

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