46| Deity's Grace

380 54 263

"You failed again..."

A pale, anorectic conjurer is seething under his breath hearing those riling words again. "I deeply regret it, your Highness." His coal black eyes are raging like storm, turning into slits as he glares at a million specks of lights.

They're overlooking from a nearby hill, watching with disbelief upon witnessing a phenomenal light which suddenly flared at a moonless sky. It vanished as fast as it goes yet it sprayed its traces and dazzling like stardust above them. They dreaded how their plan went wrong—saw their chance get blown.

"You just missed your luck, Gormeli." A man of high status mounting in a black stallion is strangely calm. His profile is unrecognizable partially covered by his blue-hooded cloak. "Did you expect your heartfelt regrets could help? Why is it that you keep failing bringing off your quest?"

"I humbly beg your sympathy, your Highness. Due to my negligence, I'll take all blame and responsibilities." He would have snapped at him if he's just someone else. But he's the Crown Prince Dehran, a powerful ally, a second in line to rule the unified kingdoms of Khavalti Empire. He is a perfect dummy to use but he will dispose him soon and wipe his royal arrogance and all of them as soon as he took possession of an ancient relic which they've been safekeeping from their long ruling generation.

"But there's no one to blame." Prince Dehran shifted his eyes to his personal guard. "It's just you and your overgrown ego."

Gormeli tightens his fist. He grazes his eyes as far it could reach— it's a burning reflection from countless embers that frizzles in the ground. He grinds his teeth audibly as he watches his hard-earned creations became a spectacle sight of sizzling ashes. Creating those ghouls had cost him a lot of strength and resources. Seeing them blazing and popping like bubbles one by one is like a sledgehammer smashing on his gut. "I admit I underestimated her capacity. I am not certain of it yet since no one survived from any of my men. Even my daughter—

"Which it's another mistake of yours?" He badgered, he didn't show any hint of condolence. "How could you let her ruin our plan and you didn't even spare a little respect to inform us earlier?"

Gormeli's eyes swells with tears, shadowed with great loss and regret. "My daughter...

Kuthri, she was his one and beloved daughter who became a sumptuous feast for those buzzards. He didn't able to save her on time. He believed himself on high regard that he could accomplish his task without any troubles. He never expected that Kuthri got involved and jeopardized everything. She became a ghastly sight of cadaver they'd came across with today—a bloody remains of bones and shredded flesh. He barely recognized her and he refused to acknowledge had he not seen some of her familiar belongings.

He threw a murderous look at an old man slumping on the ground. They found him limping nearby from where they found Kuthri's remains and her trusted servants. He was crawling like a scared rat as if hundreds of demons were chasing after him. "Tell me exactly what you saw and what happened?" He rushes towards him and grapples his neck.

"I speak of truth, milord!" Still shuddering with fear, crimson layers of dried blood was flaking along his eyes and ears. "G—ground was shaken, there's a strong wind and—and they're burning!"

"Are you sure it was her?"

He nodded desperately. "They live just—just along here. I've been their coachman for a couple of days—

"But there's nothing here." Clearly disappointed, Prince Dehran interjects. "Let him go, Gormeli."

Gormeli darted his eyes at Carum, Prince Dehran's personal assassin who warned him to follow Prince Dehran's command. He hated how this useless toad has always had his discerning eyes on him. "I don't intend to harm this old rat, your Highness. I just want to know if there is some information I unfortunately missed."

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