15| Sweet Delight

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"Look at me."

I don't want to get in trance again. I don't want to get lost but the vehemence in his voice forces me to look up.

His blue gray eyes are blazing in vibrant blue. His playful smirk is not on sight. I just meet him thrice but I can tell he's not in his cheeriest mood. His facial expression is a given but there's just something in his eyes—something deeper but before I could read further, his disposition changes.

Offhanded, I didn't see it coming when he suddenly pulled my arm. I tried to jerk away but he tightens his grip.

Moving away from him is a struggle. "What are you doing?"

"Pulling you closer?"

"Let me go. This isn't proper."

"How could you say that?" smirking,  "You already had yourself all over me you didn't even want to let me go."

Hovering over him, I'm trying to rack my brain when did it happened. "What do you mean?"

Lifting his head, he seems surprised seeing me totally clueless. It amuses him knowing he knew something and I'm completely unaware of it. "You're really something. Anyway, I'll show you." He clasps his arms around my waist, pulling me in. "You came to me like this—

"No, you're lying." Thrashing, I tried to push him away but to no avail. His body built seems made of wall. My terrible attempt has only made our proximity more unsettling.

"Stop resisting," he chuckles, "I understand how you'd like to free yourself from me but we're not yet done, Yenaery."

"Not yet done? Stop playing with me. How could you expect me to stay still?"

"Playing?" he smirks, "But we're done playing, Yenaery. What I'm doing is beyond from your mind's poor judgment. Confusing, right? But you won't understand even if I explain it anyway, unless not now. Not yet..." He trailed off. "But you're free to do anything you want while you stay here but always keep it mind—don't resist me and just do things as I say."

I want to rile him but I'm not strong enough to do it yet. I stop trying getting away though I'll do it at any chance I get. I can't even remove his arms away. Maybe, I should change my approach. "Please unhand me. This isn't right. A body interaction is unnecessary. You're invading my personal space. You're treating me like—like a whore."

"Whore..." He's beaming. "Do you even know what it means?"

I don't know what kind of definition he wanted to hear. I've heard that word from the servants in Zadral. I understand it's about a woman with no virtue. Does it have more meaning other than that?

"I'm not treating you like a whore." He lifts his hand along my hair.

I abruptly jerked my head away.

"There's a petal in your hair."

"I can remove it myself." I whisk his hand away. He has no right to graze his hand on me. "If this isn't a game, then what are you doing?" I feel trapped but there's more. I don't even know what it is. I'm confused standing so close next to him. I'm powerless despite my supposed intimidating position hovering over him.

He lifted his hand again and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Don't be too reserve, Yenaery. Stop spurning and pushing me away I might force myself on you and you can't do anything to avoid it." He whispered those words with deliberate emphasis as if he wanted to drill those words into my head. As if reminding me I'm still a slave in every sense of it.

Being a slave meant stay timid whatever he say. Being his slave entails absolute submission whatever deeds he wants me to take. I'm wondering how long I could ever keep myself sane and safe from this predicament.

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