2| Lavish Feast

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Wind blows harshly...

Leaning at a sturdy trunk of a mountain ebony tree with its bright pink scented flowers gloriously hovering over me, I'll always prefer to stay here than be in a lavish feast currently swarmed with high profile guests.

Dawdling up by this hill, it gives me an overlooking view right down there. The manor's wide courtyard becomes a festive scene filled with unknown faces. With those long line of table lavishly offers with various delectable cuisines, it truly aims to obtain high regard and best impressions.

The high ranking officials are boisterously laughing with the Lord of Zadral while they enjoyed drinking a high prized wine.

Elegant women and ladies from a prominent family are in a show off wearing their most elegant gowns and jewelries they could procure.

Servants are scurrying like rats attending every need of those arrogant guests. I could be one of them sweating all over had the Lord and the Lady of the Manor isn't appalled of my existence.

Looking at an elevated makeshift stage which is purposely designed to get an undivided attention, Lady Hanaya seems uncomfortable with Lady Razzini proudly smiling beside her.

Guests are crowding around her like a throng of sightseers. I guess it might've made her feel unsettled. Wearing a color of cream and rosy delicate gown which flows lightly, she looks lovely beyond words can say. She looks so bright and eminent among all of them.

With my skill to enhance my sight, it didn't go unnoticed seeing her sad, blue green eyes. I revert exerting the range of my sight though I don't even care even if it reciprocates. I just don't want to see Lady Hanaya's affliction. I don't want to concern myself with anybody else.

Couching in a grassy ground, I'm trying to push away all unnecessary thoughts in my head. But the more I shove it away—more of it keeps coming. It's pretty ironic since I'm incapable expressing my own emotions but why it's too easy for me to sense it from someone else?

"Oh, so you're here?" Gasping for air, Nesreen hastily suits herself slumping in a grassy ground right next to me. "Why you're always staying up here? This hill is too steep!"

Though coming up here is a little bit rigorous due to slippery slopes and ravines, as usual she's just exaggerating—she's fond of it.

Snorting, she threw a glance at the feast. "Ah, I see, the view right here is quite clear. You might want to see exciting stuffs happening down there, huh?"

She's too loud and nosy she's totally invading my space. "Why are you here?"

She crouches on her knees. "I want to be there but with these ugly bruises I have, I can't. That old bat shit hadn't spared me from getting up so late."

I don't care about her I just want her to leave me all alone. But if she won't, then I will.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asks seeing me walking away. "Why you're always evading me? You should be grateful I'm talking to you since no one could." She laughs out loud when she sees me keep going as if I didn't hear anything. "Seriously, Yenaery, just stay, I won't try to annoy you today. I swear!"

I don't really want to leave my secret sanctuary yet but for me—two is a crowd.

"Alright! I won't pester you for a one whole week, deal?" She's really a bugger. "Don't leave me here. I just want someone to talk with."

Looking at her sideways, she seems serious about it. I'm used of her being always nasty but today she seems not in her element. I've seen her got bruises and cuts I stopped wondering why she keeps allowing it—

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