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Can't get enough...

I didn't dare to avert my eyes. I can't explain why but the longer I've seen their bodies smoldering into fire as the burning smell of their flesh started to contaminate the air— I felt fascinated and I can't get enough. It was worth watching them combusting into flame while they felt the initial taste of how it feels like to burn and rot in hell. Vicious people like them should be annihilated to be able for those weak and vulnerable people to live in the world without fear.

I'm wondering why Lord Ronin decided to set them all on fire.

I've learned that deities are eminently benevolent and virtuous to impose fair judgments against the wicked deeds of transgressors. But now, he is a deity who didn't bother to spare a little mercy while he just let them writhe from their torment.

I dared myself to catch just a little glimpse on him. I'm just being honest and curious, if anyone who was here in my shoes, I know they'd probably do the same thing— daring themselves to take just a little sneak peek as much as I do. Having this impossible chance to meet a powerful deity on flesh and on his full glory— it's impossible, isn't it? I won't even mind if he decides to pluck my eyes for being audacious. But wait—

I've never been indecisive to contemplate whether I'd like to take a glance on someone or not. But then I remind myself he's not just an ordinary being to begin with and rational thinking would be damned— I don't want to restrain myself.

From staring solely at the dusty ground, I felt my courage more than I could ever had. I dared myself to look up—

I froze.

I don't know if I let it stay or avert my eyes somewhere else.

I was caught off guard when I meet Lord Ronin's eyes. This also felt the same when I unexpectedly meet his eyes at the grand hall. It might be an assumption but I think he has been watching me all along. It feels unsettling but it made me feel alive. I could barely brush it off since I'm not yet fully aware of my emotions before— but seeing him again was complicated. I can't avoid it and I'm completely lost and drawn to it. All I know is just— I like how his eyes lingered...

The thought of it had made my blood to surge straight to my face. I literally felt a thousand stings that seemed to prick my cheeks.

Awestruck. That's it...

I wonder how effortless it was to distinguish my emotions. Given the circumstances that happened throughout this day, I just realized that my whole being had been able to feel different kinds of emotions in just a day. And I'm oblivious of it until today.

I can't able to think straight, I'll just have to sort out my emotions later because all of it became shallow and irrelevant compared to these strange sensations that overwhelmed me.

I'm beyond fascinated while grazing my blessed eyes upon his empyreal and sublime perfection. I can't explain how his blue eyes...

his high sculpted nose...

his rosy yet unladylike lips...

I don't know how to put it into words and make a long narrative and awesome details of how attractive and gorgeous deity he is. I just realize this must be what Eris had mentioned and had been talking about. Compared to my restrained and nonchalant self before, seeing him today was absolutely different. I looked at him in a deeper sense, in a way how Eris would want me to see him. And I admit, I admire all the things I see or perhaps maybe even before? And I was just a fool from keep saying throughout these years that what I felt was all about fear.

My mind was muddled and swirling upside down and I don't know how to create coherent words because my brain seemed to shut down and refused to function.

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