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Maybe she's not...

Did deities have weaknessess? Can they live and perish like mortals as well?

Watching Eris thoughtfully, she lay unconsious in reclined couch. It was adjusted by the coachman a while ago to accommodate her languid and motionless form. And I'm grateful to Nesreen for being attentive, she lent her hand and assisted me to settle Eris inside the carriage.

Eris didn't regain her senses yet. I had checked her breathings countless times to ensure if she's still alive. She looked so frail but I don't think a deity could die just like that. I presumed she's just exhausted with her emotional turmoil.

But I noticed, she became frail and been sleeping the whole time when we travelled back to the manor yesterday. She looked unusually pale when she barged into my room but I thought it's just the matter of lights. But seeing her, I don't think this is just a simple exhaustion— I think there's something more. She used to be lively and full of life. I've never seen her being sick and tired. But if things got worse, I may have use my healing fire as my last recourse.

There's a thunderous gallops of the horses along the road as their riders overtake us. I closed the window from the cloud of dusts outside.

Looking at Eris when she squirmed a little, I wondered who that man at the Market Square was. Who is he to cause much distress to Eris?

As much as I want to divert my mind at this matter, it failed me to do so. I can't afford to bring up more plights to my current predicament.

I decided to rush Eris back in the manor. Amerton might know how to deal this kind of unexpected instances. He might know the real condition of her existence. I realized, everything inside the manor was mysterious and beyond from what my eyes could see. There's something more and I believe everything was unconventional more than what meets the eye. There are lots of anomalies that I didn't able to notice before.

Since yesterday, everything had unfolded little by little in front of my eyes since the moment Eris spilled everything about the Lord's true existence. Years of residing at the Manor, every small details that I've seen unusual yet I opted to disregard started to make me aware and I realized that everything was preternatural and beyond from what I perceived.

I uncovered inconceivable things I shouldn't have supposed to know. I don't know if I should blame myself for being so inquisitive. Curiosity surely kills the cat—I wonder where this useless advertence could lead me. I should have stayed oblivious as what I've used to be then I wouldn't have to know I'm living with these deities and how helpless my life could be.

Closing my eyes, I don't know what to think anymore. Everything I do would be useless. Planning of escape is too ridiculous and not a best option anymore. He can probably track me whichever hell I'd run to.

Remembering that day when Lady Hanaya and I tried to jump off in a cliff, I thought it's just a dream when we're being hauled back within his grasp. I tried to forget his abilities thinking he was just a freaking mage that could wield some kind of unusual spells. If I try to escape, then I'm just making myself the biggest fool being alive. I realized, I can never go far and from those years of planning of escape, I can imagine his smirk from seeing how fool I am.

There's no way out.

The only thing I could do is just wait and embrace my dreadful fate, that's it. My head is spinning I don't know until when I could keep my sanity.

My mind must be fully occupied since I'm not aware that the carriage had halted. I noticed it eventually but I take no heed.

Then I heard commotions of loud thud and violent scream. Before I could even check and take some cautions of what could possibly had happened outside—the door was slammed causing it to open and exposed us with no defense.

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