17| Lilting Rhythm

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It's been few weeks...

Till then, I have no idea where that lunatic man had been after he vanished that morning few weeks ago. I didn't bother to ask Amerton about him. Why would I? Everything is at peace without him.

As days had passed, everything seems favorable to my comfort. It's safe to say I'm free as a bird. I can do anything and no one has been bossing around. As what Amerton said, I'm allowed to do whatever I want except one thing—I'm not allowed to go outside the Manor. He made it clear that I'll get punished once I disobey.

Alright, I swear I'll work on it at any chance I have. I've already learned my lesson—this whole manor is immensely bound with great spell. I can never find my out if I won't use my cards wisely.

Strolling towards my most favored spot at the serene lake, there's a lady who meets me halfway. She looks like she's floating over a cobbled pathway with her moss green dress flowed sinuously. She has a long red flaming hair sleek like a liquid fire at every step she takes. Her eyes are sparkling like an emerald green it matches her flamboyant gown she gracefully flaunted—it must be how a fairy looks like.

Pondering who she is, I just look at her blankly. I'm not mean. I just don't know how to approach and react with a stranger.

"I'm Eris." Sweetly, she smiled at me as if she knows me already.

I can't force myself to smile back. It's odd to smile when I didn't even know her. And besides, I don't know how to smile. It's absurd but I really don't know how to do it. There are no reasons for me to cheer while growing up.

"I've heard your name is Yenaery, such a beautiful name!" She chatted in a cheerful tone, flipping her hair to her shoulder. "Lord Ronin had sent me to assist you—it's what his grace instructed."

I like how everything goes smoothly with my life lately. I don't want anyone's presence that's too mouthy and loud.

"Please follow me, I'll show you some things." She took my hand as if we've known each other since then. As much as I want to whisk her away, she's too warm she reminds me a lot about Hanaya. Looking how she held my hand, they both have a strong grip as if they won't let me go. Though I'm still wondering what she's doing here, I just let her lead me back to the manor.

She's been chattering idly. Everything she said sounds like a buzz to my ears. I hope she won't stay here long.

We entered one of the rooms which is fully furnished and decorated with things and unusual tools I'm not familiar with. Though I've been staying here quite long enough—except the library, I prefer spending my whole day at the lakeside rather than here.

Being fixated, a large arched stringed instrument caught my eyes. It's ornately made of fine wood. It has a triangular design with its whole frame supported by a pillar. I'm certain this piece of art cost a lot of time and effort considering its unique designs and intricate carvings along its column. Each of its strings is graded in different length. Its towering form looks imposing as it gloriously took an ample space beside an open large window.

"Splendid, isn't it? Do you know how to play harp?" Eris chirped gleefully as she picked a cylindrical tube from a shelf.

"No." I didn't even see this instrument before. I find her question too absurd. Did she expect everyone to know how to play it?

"Don't worry, Yenaery. I'll teach you how to play a tune on it. That's what my assigned task anyway." She winked at me with a playful grin. She blew an air at a side hole of a long slender instrument.

She started to play a wonderful tune my curious ears have never been heard. I couldn't help myself getting fascinated with it. It's a whistling sound—soft and calming I didn't expect from her considering how bubbly and gregarious she could be. She played a wafting melody it resonates an airy magical touch.

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