I Have To Protect The Kids

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"Mr" The kid called out and Aizawa moved his gaze to the kid cuddling my chest "Is he gonna be ok?" I smiled rubbing Kota's hair "I sort of punched him before, and still he got hurt real bad to protect me" I felt his grip on me tighten "I never, apologised or even thanked him, please tell me he's not gonna get hurt more right?"

"Don't worry, he's sustained those injuries because he has no intent of dying" Aizawa spoke in a rare caring tone. "Though as his teacher, mean Aizawa's going to scold him for acting with his permission" I spoke bring Kota up into my view. "You'll get to talk to him again, and when you do, put more emphasis on the thank you part"

'We've learnt who the villains are after, it's a student named Kachan' I stopped suddenly hearing the voice in my head "That dumb idiot's not gonna come back" I shouted handing Kota to Aizawa "Ember!" Aizawa called, I set off running and relinquished my bond with him "I'm sorry Aizawa, but I have to protect the kids" he sighed and then kept going to make sure Kota would be safe.

The forest cleared of gas, meaning that they must've taken out the villain producing it. "Deku?" I called as I ran through the forest, when a large spark of electric shone in front of me "Deku!" I called, watching as Shoji held him close to his back. "With those injuries you should be in bed"

"But he's reckless and is thinking of saving others" I added, Deku was just panting heavily and I looked at Shoji's hand "We were ambushed by villains, and I got attack by dark shadow" I widened my eyes my gaze finally moving to the darkness in the woods "In the darkness his quirk is harder to control" I muttered "He's gone feral"

"Stay away from me!" Tokyami called, Dark shadow had formed all around him his eyes shinning red. "We were still attacked by villain, and I hid in the bushes trying to cover Tokyami while missing one of my arms" I held it up and stared at it "It looks bad, but it's fine, it was on of my duplicates" Shoji explained moving it away "The thing is he couldn't stand seeing me like that, and the rage of his quirk took over"

"The darker it is, the harder it is to control Tokyami's quirk" Deku muttered "I had no idea it was this powerful" I stared up at it seeing resemblance to it with my feral state. "He's moving on sound and that's all" I muttered, throwing a rock out for him to follow after "Stop this, go back to camp and help the other students" Tokyami begged, I stood up and looked at Deku "We're not leaving him" I muttered and then Shoji started to devise a plan. "I'll distract dark shadow while you run on to find Bakugo"

"Hold on" Deku muttered "The fire and camp is far away, you'll be in too much danger" Suddenly we were lunged at and Shoji grabbed my foot dragged me out the way. "I know that, but to save people you have to take risks" Deku looked at me and I nodded "Shoji, touch my hand" He grabbed it and my spots grew green. His eyes widened "Order her to protect us from any attacks using a quirk like Kirishima's" Shoji nodded and did just that. And like that we were set off, I ran backwards watching carefully for any attacks and taking the brunt of them when they happened. Dark Shadow quickly immobilised the villain, and Shoji looked at me "We need light!" I nodded my head, Bakugo held up his hand stopping Shoji from ordering me. "Finish him" Dark shadow was quick at work, the villain slammed into a tree "It's not enough!" He called out.

"Fire! Now!" I placed my hands on the, a large pink flame flew in front of me and as high as I could get it, while Bakugo and Todoroki both moved behind creating light. "Thanks, you saved me" Tokyami muttered, and I moved to check over his condition. "I apologise, I'm still far to immature" He was looking at his hands and they trembled "Anger consumed me, and I let my quirk take over" he curled into a ball "Dark shadow turned into this frenzy that I couldn't control" I held his shoulder and he looked up at me. "You were worried for your friends, it's not hard to get carried away" I smiled up at him, memories from when I lost my control at the USJ flashed through my mind. "It's not your fault it's your instincts, you choose to protect someone you hold so dearly, that you'll do anything for them" I stood up relinquishing myself from Shoji and I smiled "Besides, going feral can be fun sometimes" I moved my gaze up to Bakugo.

"The villains are going after Bakugo, so we should take him back to camp" Deku spoke "I don't know why they would do they want to kill you or something"

"It's his temper" I explained, and the group all nodded agreeing with me, his gaze looked at us scheming confused as we began to create a plan. "I'll be fine by myself" I smacked my hand on his face, creating a bond with him "I don't need any of your protection, dammit" the group set off and I was behind Bakugo pushing for him to go with us "Don't ignore me"

"Keep up, and don't fall behind" I muttered.

The group were walking for a while and then ended up running into Urakaka and Asui, the villain jumped up "There's to many people now and I don't want to get killed" She sighed "Toodles" Her gaze moved to Deku and she held it there, her cheeks flushing. "Get her!" Urakaka called

"It's too dangerous we don't know what quirk she has" the group moved to see if they were alright "You ok? Who was that villain?" Todoroki asked, the girls shrugged their shoulders "Do you want to join our group we're protecting Bakugo" Asui looked around the group confused.

"If your protecting Bakugo shouldn't he be with you guys?"

"Huh?" Deku questioned "He's right here," The path was empty "Where is he?" Deku called out.

"Nice trick, ay?" The groups gazes moved up to the man standing on the tree, he was clutched Ember by her neck and holding his hand out "I took the lad your talking about with my magic" He bounced the ball in his hand "A talent like his would be squandered if he were classed a hero" I growled at the villain and he placed a hand over my mouth "We'll provide him with a grander stage, where he can truly shine"

"Give him back!" Deku called

"Give him back? What an odd thing to say, Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone he's his own person" The man spoke so calmly "Don't be so arrogant"

"We'll stop you!" Deku called

"Right now!" Todoroki, moved so that his foot produced a large shot of ice, the man dropped me, and I fell onto the ice shards "We're just here to show him he has other options besides the heroism he's drowning in"

"It's not just Bakugo" I cried, trying to lift myself "It's Tokyami aswell" I looked up at the man "I was going to take you too, but too little too time, I had to make my entrance" The man jumped down to where I was sat, after Todoroki let out a larger ice burst. "Ember!" I was caught. Todoroki shot another one his whole body frosted in ice "Apologises, but escapology and slight of hand are my specialties not combat" He looked towards the third ball in his finger "Besides Shigiraki's lonely" The man flew through the sky escaping from the group.

Deku had devised a plan that would turn the two of them into human bullets, they flew through the air and hit the guy, he let out a scream before dropping to the ground.

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