Your All Grown Up!

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It's canon that every picture anyone has of her is unplanned, all because of her shyness

Me and Deku were just trying to get through the gate, I hid behind his head as a microphone was shoved into his face "Hey you, can you tell us what its like to work so closely with All Might?"

"Uh- Uhm, I'm sorry I have to go to the nurse's office right away!" He quickly lied and walked though the crowd of people. The group continued to bombard our class as I watched from a distance, that was until Aizawa stepped in. "I know your there Ember" He spoke quietly, "You love to watch a little bit of drama" I jumped from the bushes to his shoulders "How does All Might ever get anything done with all this media attention stepping on his cape?" he muttered to me.

"Alright if you won't get All Might I'll get him myself" suddenly me and Aizawa stopped watching as the school went into a lockdown the media continued to complain and Aizawa began to step away again.

Class had begun and I was curled up on Deku's desk, "Decent work on combat training yesterday guys" he placed something down "I saw your video feeds, and the results" his gaze moved "Bakugo your talented so don't sulk about your loss ok"

"Yeah, whatever" My eyes opened to look up at Aizawa, it was like him to challenge the 'tough' student in the class. "And Midoriya" he flinched suddenly "I see the only way you won the match was hurting yourself and causing Ember to go off her own will" he looked down slightly "Work harder, you have to protect yourself just as much as she does to you" he looked down at me "Ember can be really useful once you get a hold on her" Deku smiled up at Aizawa "Ember wake up" I stood up and spun on the spot before flopping back down onto the desk facing away from him. He sighed "Lets get down to business, our first task will decide your future" the class all fell into fear "You all need to pick a class representative" everyone all began begging each other and I sighed. Iida broke the silence by ordering everyone around.

An election was decided to be held, "Isn't that right sir?"

"Do what you want, just decide before my naps over" I quickly jumped to his podium sitting on it in my human form looking down at him "So you can nap in class and I can't?" His gaze moved up to me "I may not be your master now, but I am your teacher" The class all gasped at his words "So I still technically get to order you" I leaned over him

"Cat obsessed freak" He rolled over. I straightened my back and the classes gazes were all on me, the most shocked was Deku. "What? You didn't think Midoriya was my first Master did you?"

"Just how old is this girl?" The class all called out.

The election was held "How did I get three votes?" Deku squealed in surprise

"Ok you idiots who voted for him" Bakugo called out angrily, earning Sero to chip in casually "What did you seriously think someone was gonna vote for you." My gaze moves to ururaka who was avoiding my gaze. "Alright the class rep is Midoriya, and our deputy is Yaoyorozu"

"Really it's not a mistake?" Aizawa fell back asleep and Momo let out a loud sigh

"How'd this happen" the class all fell into conversation and my gaze fell to Iida who was trying to hold off his trembling body from doing so. "It's always so crowded in here" we had all sat to eat and Ururaka held out her chopsticks to me, I shook my head placing my head on hers to thank her. She stuck it in her mouth "Your missing out Ember, this rice is delicious"

"Guy's I'm kinda worried about the class rep thing" Midoriya spoke, his face in despair as he looked down at his food "I don't think I'm qualified"

"Sure, you are"

"You'll be great" I looked over at Iida in surprise of his words. "Your courage and quick thinking under stress will make you a worthy leader, not to mention the strength you demonstrated" he grabbed another spoon of his meal "Those are the reasons I voted for you at least" He stuffed it in his mouth "You voted for me?"

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