Your Just A Cat Fanatic

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He let out a breath out, I crawled back on his shoulders as the class all celebrated about his ability.

Suddenly Bakugo came charging at us "Hey Deku your cheating with that dumb quirk" Izuku flinched holding me out infront of him. I didn't flinch when Aizawa quickly caught him. "What the why is your scarf so strong"

"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fibre and a special metal alloy" his eyes stared at Bakugo in anger "stand down" Deku brought me to his chest "it would be wise to avoid making me my quirk so much, it gives me serious dry eye" he brought his scarf down and walked away "your wasting my time now, whoever's next go up" Deku held me close to his chest before walking towards the rest of the group. "Is she ok" the pink cheeks girl questioned, I nodded my head as Deku stuttered "sure, fine" I moved my gaze to Bakugo scowling heavily at us.

We completed the rest of our physical tests and me and Izuku fell to the ground after it all breathing heavily. It was announced that Aizawa was going to reveal the results and I rolled over on my stomach and Deku quickly stood up his face filled with fear. '20th Izuku Midoriya' he looked down at the ground in failure and I quickly stood up jumping on his shoulders to rub my face on his. "And I was lying no ones going home" everyone all looked up in amazement "that was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all"

"Surprised the rest of you didn't figure it out, I'm sorry I should've said something" I stared at the girl next to us still in surprise. She stood up with a posh posture and her hair up in black hair. "That's it for today go grab a syllabus and read it for tomorrow" Aizawa stepped towards us, "Ember I want a catch up" I jumped onto his shoulders and he began to walk off. Deku watched as he walked with me confused as to how I knew this pro-hero.

"Aizawa that was a rotten move" I looked over at All Might and Aizawa sighed quietly "All Might, so you were watching. No talk shows today?"

"Rational deception that's cute, but your not exactly known for being light hearted" I placed my head on Aizawa's and he leaned into the touch 'he's got you there'

"You have no problem kicking students out, you were planning to send last place home" he pointed towards Aizawa "that can only mean, you see the same potential in young Midoriya that I do"

"What is this about? It almost sounds like you've been in his corner the whole time" All Might flinched slightly "it's to early to be playing favourites" Aizawa began to walk off "he doesn't have zero potential I admit" his gaze fell to me "with Ember it times it, if it were the case though I would've sent him home"

Aizawa collapsed on the desk sighing loudly, I jumped off his shoulders and he rubbed my head "What are you doing with a quirkless being like him?" I turned into my human form sitting on his desk "I saw that he didn't have zero potential" his eyes squinted at me

"Your suddenly good at judging people's potentials" he shot me a glare "weren't you a villain's pet?" Pet was emphasised and I scowled at him. "You escaped the kid then moved onto another" I pouted at him "With your quirk you should be paired with someone who has a quirk that can also protect you" I smiled at him "we tried it Aizawa and it didn't work" he smiled at me and leaned back closing his eyes "you make it sound like we were dating" I hopped off the desk, and looked into his tired eyes "no your just a cat fanatic"

I noticed Deku sluggishly walking home, and I hopped on his shoulders "Ember, I'm so tired" suddenly Iida tapped his shoulder and he turned around woken up suddenly. "How's you little friend doing?" He held out his finger near my face and I rubbed my face on it "she's doing fine, I think" they both fell into step together "I was a bit concerned after Aizawa's approach to class, but I trust the schools judgement since UA is the top program. Even so lying is down right immoral"

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