I forgot to mention that?

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My body was strewn out on my back as him and his mother both discussed this new 'quirk' of Deku's, his mother took a big liking to me as she scratched at my stomach. I was in my dog form and she spoke "I've always wanted a cat" I flinched at her words

"Uh, it's more of a dog she says" Deku quickly corrected. I rolled over and rubbed my head against her hand, "Awh sweetie she is adorable" she squealed and then clicked her fingers "if she's going to UA I need to make her a suit" I looked up at her and she smiled down at me. Wow, this is what it feels like to have a caring mother. I flipped into my human form and hugged her tightly "oh my" I leant back as she stared at me "You're beautiful" I smiled at her "your quite good looking yourself" suddenly I was pulled into a hug

"My sons picked out the best quirk he could get" I smiled at the pair of them. It felt like I was home.

The next day he walked through the street with me accompanying him on his shoulders "I don't know if school will let you in" I looked at him 'they have to it's your quirk' he jumped accidentally throwing me off his shoulders. I flipped into my human form as I landed "how did you do that?" I stared up at him.

"I forgot to mention that?" He nodded his head "in demon form I'm unable to talk, so I talk to you through your mind." I stepped closer to him poking his forehead "you can communicate with me through your mind too" his eyes widened "that's how you can order me when I'm far away" placing my forehead on his "I can communicate to people who aren't my master by tapping my head on there's" I turned back into my demon form and jumped on his shoulders 'try it' he closed his eyes and scrunched his fists but I got nothing "did you get it?"

'Nope but there's no need to worry' he sighed and I placed my head on his 'It'll take time getting used to how to use me' I rubbed my head on his cheek 'speaking of that it's best to stay together until you can control your thoughts'


We were sat at class, I was perched on Deku's desk trying to ignore all the stares at the pair of us while Deku was in his own world. His mumbling was fast and his writing on his notebook was faster. The class were all watching in surprise, I tapped at his hand when a large stretched arm hit him on his head. "Hey Midoriya" he covered his mouth "I know you had a run in with a villain but pull yourself together kid" the kids were all laughing at him, calling him names and whispering about his new 'pet' I simply curled up on his desk.

And like that training began, we both battled to build his fighting skills for when I'm not there to help, he started working out a copious amount. When I say that I mean like never gave himself a break, he'd go on runs where I'd watch him on his shoulders, sometimes even having All-Might joining in some of the teaching sessions. I sat on All-Mights shoulders as we watched Deku take laps "he's really trying hard" All-Might remarked I nodded my head. "I'm still jealous you got to him before I did" I smiled and tapped my head on All-Mights 'it's thanks to you that he has these dreams' All-Might looked at me unfazed by the telepathic speaking "we both must promise to ensure he becomes the best pro hero we can make" I nodded my head and looked out at him, he's really trying his hardest out there.

The day was finally here, I was sat on his shoulders as he ran through the gates "made it just in time" he looked up at me and smiled "thank you again for making my dream come true-"

"Stupid Deku" he turned and the blonde haired kid from before was quick approaching "get out of my way now before I set you on fire" Deku quickly moved from his path. I jumped off his shoulders and stared at the boy, he 'tched' at me before stepping over. Deku picked me up and held me at his chest "I think it's best not to test him" he muttered. "He's eased up on me" he began to walk but quickly tripped on his feet. We both began to fall when I hit the ground I looked up "are you ok?" He was levitating in the air and screaming about it, I moved my gaze to the girl next to him. She was a small girl with brown short hair, the hair was round like her face, and she had the most innocent smile. She placed him down "I stopped you with my quirk" I crawled back onto his shoulders, "sorry I didn't ask first, but I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you"

'She's got really rosey cheeks' Deku swatted my face and I moved from his ear "isn't this all like way nerve wrecking" Deku just watched in shock of what to say "Well I guess I'll see you inside" as she walked away he began laughing causing all attention to be drawn on us. I sighed and patted his head to go with my nose.

We sat in a hall as a man spoke with a spikey hairdo, I sat just in-front of Deku on a desk, as I watched 'how'd her get his hair like that?'

"It's the hero present Mic" he was fan boying so hard that he didn't hear me "will you shut up" Kachan said earning a glare from me. The Mic guy continued explaining when Kachan started muttering to Deku "I see they're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends" he grumbled looking at Deku's paper "Yeah your right, our numbers are one after each other but we're assigned to different battle centres."

"Get your eyes off my card" he grumbled and I sat between them, scowling up at the blonde boy. "I was really looking forward to crushing you" we sat there just staring up at each other menacingly. "Excuse me sir but I have a question" our gazes both moved to the boy asking the question. "On the print out it's listed 4 types of villains not 3" I looked down to Deku's sheet "if this is a mistake on UA's materials this is shameful, we expect the best from japans school"

'Is he a teacher or something?' I looked towards Deku and he shrugged his shoulders "never seen this kid before" he whispered back

"You with the un kept hair, you've been muttering this entire time" the attention was brought onto Deku, I quickly moved back towards Deku after the attention we were getting "stop that, your distracting the rest of us" he ordered, and I stood up scowling at the boy. 'We're distracting your the one holding us up with your questions dumbs-'

"I'm sorry" Deku spoke covering his mouth, and bringing me closer. "That 4th villain is worth no points" Present Mic continued and Deku held his paper happily, I was being hugged into his elbow and rubbed his face in happiness too.

As we got to the learning centre he was trembling, I looked at the goofy smile on his face before flipping off and grabbing the sides of his face, he yelped in pain as I hit him too hard "Stop worrying we got this" he looked at me in complete fear of it all before nodding his head.

My Demon Dog {Bnha OC insert}Where stories live. Discover now