Stop Worrying You're Being Too Loud

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Deku's mum asked her for some solo photo's and she sent her this as and only this

"He beat me" Shigaraki spoke his hands shaking in front of him "Look what he did to my Nomu"

"What's wrong, didn't attack me?" All Might spoke not breaking his posture, ignoring that he was overusing his quirk. "Man, this is intense" Bakugo spoke watching from afar, Todoroki was throwing small bits of snow over Ember's face to cool down her heated up unconscious body "As I expected, there's no real reason to fight now he'll handle this"

"Come on Midoriya, the last thing we wanna do is become a hostage or get in his way" Kirishima called grabbing Ember from Todoroki's arms. Deku continued watching, All Might's shoulders twitched as his transformation was nearing. "What are you waiting for" All Might called out heroically. He was bargaining on their surrender. Shigaraki's hands scratched at his neck "If only Nomu was here, he'd pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought"

"Shigaraki do not threat, look at him he's definitely weaker" Kurogiri explained "He's on his own, the children appear to be frozen in fear, and look our underlings are recovering" Shigaraki's scratching seemed to slow "It'll be a while till there reinforcements get here" his scratching ceased entirely "We haven't missed our chance to kill All Might"

"Yeah, yeah your right" The villain's from before got to their feet and Kirishima looked down at me panicked "I think All Might can handle those two dudes by themselves" he explained "Let's make sure these dudes don't do anymore damage" Todoroki turned his gaze to Deku

"Will you be joining us?" He questioned, suddenly Shigaraki set off running towards All Might. My eyes opened and I fell out of Kirishima's grasp "Ember?" I held the back of my head

"Deku" I called quickly scrambling to him, my spots weren't shining and his eyes widened at the implications of my call out "Isn't it to dangerous" I smacked him in the face my spots becoming green and looked at him "There's no time!" I called.

"Protect All Might!" He called out and I jump in an instant

"Woah Ember!" I was still mid-air when suddenly Shigaraki's hand appeared from a warp gate, "Fuck" I grunted trying to lower my body, holding out my marked hand. Shigaraki let out a crooked laugh until a gun sounded, he retracted his hand before it hit me "There here!" All Might called out I fell to the floor coughing. "Sorry everyone" A kind voice called out "I know we're a bit late, but I got the teachers here as quickly as I could"

"Your class rep has returned!" I heard Iida calling out "I've fulfilled my duty, and I brought reinforcements!" Deku quickly moved to my side where I swatted his hand away,

"It's still not safe" the teachers were quick into action.

"Awh man the pros are here, it's game over for real" Shigaraki turned "Let's go home" suddenly bullets flew through him and I couldn't help for a smile to emerge from my lips. Shigaraki was sucked into a warp gate "Your days are numbered All Might"

"Quit your yapping and get out of here" I shouted up at him watching All Might even struggle to wipe his mouth. "I couldn't do it" Deku cried and my gaze turned to him "I wasn't able to help either of you"

"That's not true, you bought me a few vital seconds" All Might spoke "If not for that, I'd be dead now"

"You carried Aizawa to safety when I was in feral" I explained crawling next to him "And you used me without nearly killing one of us" Deku smiled at the pair of us tears sprouting from his eyes "You've saved us once again" Me and All Might both spoke at the same time.

"If all the pro heroes are here it means that school is safe" Todoroki began explaining "The villain's must've attack just here and not campus"

"Ember, hey!" Kirishima quickly ran over to the pair of us, Deku looked back and forward while I quickly sprung into action. Jumping up I tackled him to the ground "what the?!"

"For your safety please stay back young man" Kirishima moved his gaze towards a hero made of stone, then down to the unconscious Ember lying on his body. He picked her up, "Return to your classmates, if they're injured, we can deal with them"

"Oh, got ya, I'm on it" Kirishima quickly ran back "Hey he said for all of us to head to the entrance." Both Deku and All Might let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for that you saved my butt, cementos"

"My pleasure, I'm actually a big fan of yours" he moved his gaze down to the small purple skinned girl in his arms "We should sneak you out of here and get you to the nurses office"

"I had to act recklessly or else I'd be dead" All Might wiped his face "Just goes to show you how strong those villains are"

After all the commotion died down a man spoke counting the members of our class, Deku stood fidgeting as he searched for where Ember was being loaded to. The group all began to speak as the man walked away, explaining their experiences. "Let's get these student's back to the campus, they've been through a lot we don't need to question them right away"

"Detective what about Aizawa?" Asui questioned

"A-and Ember?"

"The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing, fortunately their doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage" the man on the phone explained "But his eyes has been affected, thanks to the girl he might be able to see still"

"A-and the girl?" Deku called out

"She's suffered an extreme head wound, almost half of her skull is cracked she shouldn't have been able to gain consciousness and fight like how she did" Deku's eyes widened "Her horns broken, but is already showing signs of repair, she's been completely wiped out by these guys but seeing her inhuman strength I'm not sure if I should worry about her" The guy on the phone sighed "I'm sorry I can't be much help, I've just never seen a girl like this"

"Well you heard it their folks" The man holding the phone spoke after hanging it up

"His vision!" Mineta cried out

"Half of her skull was fractured?!" Asui muttered as well.

"Uhm sir what about 13?" Mina questioned, the group of girls with her looking distraught.

"There's no need to worry there, despite many lacerations to the back, 13 is gonna pull through" The girls all sighed cheering for 13 "All Might is also without serious injury's he's in the nurses office right now" the man tipped his hat "Recovery girl should be able to patch him up, now lets get you back to class"

The sky was shining amber as the student's returned to UA. Deku was unsure of how to act, he had never been this far from Ember "Hey, you heard what the man said, Ember's going to be fine" Ururaka spoke patting his back, he nodded his head letting out a sigh "I still can't believe she was still fighting when she was meant to be unconscious" Sero spoke looking up at the ceiling "One, day I'm gonna be that strong"

"It was Aizawa's order than ensured her to keep consciousness, right Midoriya?" Kirishima asked and Midoriya nodded, the class all turned their gaze to Izuku "She had an order to fulfil and because she was still alive, she would still complete it" Deku explained quietly looking down at his hand. "That's why she jumped up conscious when she felt Bakugo and Kirishima going in for the attack on the portal guy" Bakugo's head was down when they were walking "Becoming a distraction would move you out of harms way" Midoriya sighed and looked down at his hand "This is the first time I've been so far away from her I don't know what to do"

"She'll be fine, can't you use the mind thing?" Ururaka questioned and Deku shook his head

"I've only been able to do it once" He looked up "I'm just waiting for her to say something to me"

"Don't mean to kill the sad mood, but what mind thing?" Mina questioned, Ururaka answered for him "Has she never done it to you?" Mina shook her head "In her dog form she can't speak or something, so she'll place her head on yours and speak to you in your mind" Ururaka pointed to Deku "She can do it all the time to Deku, without the head touching" Ururaka paused "Or so I've been told.

'Stop worrying your being too loud' Deku stopped suddenly and the group all looked at him, his eyes filled with tears 'I've got a bad enough head with my skull being cracked I don't need you yapping sad nothings'

"Deku?" Ururaka questioned, he smiled, and the tears spilled heavily from his eyes

"She's ok!" He called out; the class all cheered except Bakugo. His gaze was on Deku's his brow's twitching in anger, "What did she say?!" Mina called out, he turned and left the group to all fantasise over ember.

My Demon Dog {Bnha OC insert}Where stories live. Discover now