Chapter 11: Night Out

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"Bella you need to eat" I rubbed my face exasperated as I pushed once more the plate of food towards my zombie sister.

"I'm not hungry" she whispered so low that I had a hard time hearing it even when I was sitting right in nest to her.

"I know you are not hungry" I was starting to lose my patience "You have not been hungry all week but your body still need food"

She did not reply, not even reacted to my words, she kept staring at a dead point on the wall behind me.

I was starting to feel agitated, I took a hit off my inhaler.

"School has been hard" I admitted after a whole minute of silence, still no response "Rosalie used to share all of my classes and now I am without a partner, the teachers had told me that due to my perfect grades I can work alone".

I had decided that I was not going to tell Bella about my relationship with Rosalie and therefor about my sexual preferences. It was not important since I was certain I would never be able to love someone else.

I had missed all week of school so I decided that I would go today – Charlie pointed out that I still needed to go at least once a week since I was not catatonic-, the whole school knew by now that Edward and Bella had broken up because of the Cullens moving.

"Jessica has been asking about you" I bit my lip "I told her you had an awful flu but Angela told me that she did not believe me"

At lunch Angela had kindly caught me up with all the rumors that both Jessica and Lauren had been spreading about us. Lauren was claiming that the Cullens moved because Bella got knocked up and now she was home hiding her huge belly.

Jessica hadn't been more creative with her story. According to her, my sister had run away with Edward and now both of them lived in an apartment in New York.

I had no idea why New York, tho.

After I assured her that Bella was home safe and sound, Angela told me that she would try to convince the other two seniors to stop spreading fake rumors.

"Is Lauren bothering you again?" Bella's whispered question snapped me out of thoughts.

"No" I bit my lip.

It was true, Lauren had not given me even a second glance.

"Good" her eyes finally set on me "If that changes let me know"

A warm tingling set itself on my heart, that was something old Bella would ask and say.

Then an idea came to me. Actually it came after how fiercely I lied to Charlie, maybe if I convinced Bella that the Cullen's secret was getting compromised, she would consider coming back to school. It was really important that she did, just because I did not need to go to class to pass my classes, it did not mean that Bella had that perk.

"People are asking questions" I put my best worried face, Bella tilted her head "About how Carlisle looked too young to be older than thirty and how mysterious their disappearance was"

"What did you tell them?" Bella mused finally picking up the sandwich on front of her, my eyes sparkled as she took a bite.

"That Carlisle had a great job offer that he simply couldn't pass" I frowned "They are asking about you; they say it's weird that nobody has seen you since the Cullens left"

Bella was now focusing on her sandwich but I could still see her frown, her puffy eyes made her face look really swollen.

"That's bad" she nodded as she took another bite of the sandwich "I guess going back to school is the best option"

Death by a Thousand Cuts | Rosalie Haleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें