Chapter 3: Maggie Hussy

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"You going out?" Charlie asked me, raising his sight form the newspaper he was reading on the kitchen table, as I waked into the kitchen.

I nodded, grabbing everything to make a quick P&J sandwich.

"I am going shopping with Maggie and Alice" I informed him, trying to be polite. I knew that both, Bella and I, were barely home and sometimes I felt a little guilty about that. We were supposed to be spending more time with our dad now that we lived in Forks but we each were too busy in our own relationships to do so.

"About the Cullens" Charlie grimaced as he placed the newspaper to the side "I heard some interesting stuff yesterday at the office"

I turned to him while spreading the peanut butter, I was curious about what he was going to tell me about the vampire family.

"Otto, a police officer, has a daughter your age, she is a sophomore" Charlie mentioned casually, just telling me where he got his info from "He said that she mentioned that you were really involved with the Cullens, that they are your only friends and that you have been lunching with them since the first day of this year"

I frowned at that, I had never had friends so going from zero to a whole vampire coven was a huge deal for me and I knew that Charlie was glad that I had them as my friends, so what was this about?

"I thought you would be glad that I have that many friends, there are 6 Cullens" I shrugged my shoulders a little defensive, Charlie quickly shook his head no.

"I am really glad" he assured me, before continue blabbering "Actually I am super happy about it, they are great kids and all of them are in the honor roll, just like you and will most likely go to ivy leagues like you are so I am really happy you have them as friends"

I tilted my head, I had finished my sandwich so I placed it in my plate and took the seat in front of Charlie, waiting for him to make his point.

"It's just that she also mentioned that apparently you have a 'thing' with one of Carlisle's boys?" he hesitated and I gaped with a bite of my sandwich still on my mouth "The Hale boy"

I gulped my bite and took a sip of water to clear my throat, I could not believe that the rumor had gotten to my dad. Was this the perfect moment to tell him? That I was actually dating the other Hale?

"Dad" I sighed not knowing what to say, he raised his hand stopping me from speaking any further.

"I met the girlfriend, Edward's sister, Alice" he continued "She is really good friends with Bella and she seems like a nice, kind girl; I really liked her"

He seemed worried, like I was in fact skimming to take away Alice's boyfriend.

"It is not like that" I interrupted not wanting to keep talking about this "Jasper is a really good friend of mine, I trust him"

I did not know how else to explain it but it was partially truth.

Jasper had been really kind with me, helping me fake all this façade to take curious eyes off me and not caring everyone was calling him a player for 'cheating' on Alice with me. Besides I knew to keep my distance and respect his boundaries and he really appreciated that, if someone deserved to be called my best guy friend, that was Jasper Hale.

"I thought that Rosalie was your best friend" Charlie arched an eyebrow, not buying completely my lie.

I considered for a second, clearing up the fact that Rosalie was a little more special than just my best friend but I could not find the courage to do so.

"Both of them are" I tried to keep it casual "I started hanging out with Rosalie, Japer is her twin, so he would tag along sometimes then we all three became friends, kinda like the 3 musketeers"

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