Chapter 2: Bigamy

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"Ugh!" I threw my head back in exasperation, the smooth leather of Rosalie's car seat felt cool against my head "I am so not ready for this"

"I thought you were so excited about this year!" Rosalie exclaimed in fake joy, obviously bringing back that I had stated that school would be fun this year since we would have most of our classes together. She had insisted me, more than once, that we should play hooky and just come like once a week since I really did not need the classes to pass my tests and she had done it a thousand times.

Carlisle had kindly asked me to keep her on school and I was happy to oblige.

"I don't mind the classes" I rolled my eyes "I just don't like the idea that I have to put up with Lauren and all of her friends"

I couldn't help but sigh and look out the window to the other side of the parking lot where Tyler's van was parked with all the cool kids surrounding it, Lauren included.

"You don't have to" I felt a cold hand take mine, so I turned my head to look at my girlfriend "I won't let her do anything to you"

It was sweet. Rosalie was really protective of me, but this was not something she could meddle with.

"People will talk" I kindly reminded her, Rosalie frowned for just a second before biting her lip.

That was our Achilles' heel, public attention on us was not something we could afford. Each of us for our own reasons, Rosalie could not risk to draw any more attention, than she already did, in sake of keeping her family's secret. Me on the other hand, I was not ready to make public our relationship. Not when I hadn't even told Bella and Charlie.

I hadn't even say it at loud.

Rosalie hadn't either.

I had my suspicious that perhaps she and her friend Vera, were a little closer than she had made it out to be but I was too much of a coward to ask.

"Have lunch with us" her voice shook me out of my thoughts, I blinked "Sit between me and Jasper, everybody is under the impression that you are trying to steal Jasper from Alice so they won't pay attention to the fact that I am sitting on your other side"

I shook my head no, that rumor was getting completely out of hand so the least I wanted to do was to add more fuel to that particular fire.

"Why not?" Rosalie whined giving me an adorable pout, I diverted my sigh. She was not going to dazzle me into following her will.

"You know what Alice told me yesterday?" I asked rhetorically, it was not possible for her to know since she had gone to get some take out after Emmett messed with Esme's recipe and made it too spicy for me to eat. Rosalie shrugged her shoulders "She said that my sister asked Edward if Alice minded the fact that I had a crush on her husband?"

Rosalie frowned "What he told her?"

"He said and I quote 'I respect, Alice and Jasper's relationship and what they decide to do on it'" I replied to her a little scandalized "Alice says Bella is under the impression that Jasper intends to be a Bigamous Man"

Rosalie literally exploded on laughter, I glared at her. I took my scarf and hit her, trying to get her to calm down.

"Your sister is an idiot" she kept on laughing, at last I smiled as well. Watching her act this freely and happy was not something I witnessed often so I decided to let go of my anger, about her not taking this seriously, and play along with her "I get why you are so smart, you got all the good genes of your family"

I bit my lip a little flattered with her compliment.

"Rosalie" I warned her, not really meaning it.

Death by a Thousand Cuts | Rosalie HaleWhere stories live. Discover now