Chapter 14: Beach Talk

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To: Soffia. Swan @

From: Maggie. Hussy @

Dearest Soff,

I cannot tell you I know what you are going through. I have never experience that kind of heartbreak in my existence. However, if the pain that comes to me every time I imagine a life without Emmett comes closer to what you are experiencing, I can tell you that I understand how you feel.

You are a strong girl Soff, stronger than you think. Everything that went down between you and Rosalie is not something easy to overcome. You have every right to grief and not be okay. Don't be too hard on yourself for not being completely over it. You are doing much better than any of us would be in your situation.

I know that you think you are supposed to be Bella's savior, and trust me I feel for her just as much as I do for you, but you have to save yourself first.

Do me a favor and do not relinquish on those dark thought for too much. You have so much a head of you, your life has barely begun. I know that it seems impossible but eventually the pain will cease.



"I know how I am going to see him again" Bella dropped on the other end of the couch I was laying on. I quickly locked my phone, not wanting my sister to see the mail.

"What?" I asked her distracted as I sat up.

"I know how I am going to see Edward again" she bounced on her seat, but it was not in happiness it was on a weird adrenaline rush.

I gave her a doubtful look, I thought the hallucinations were a onetime thing, not that she was actually looking to trigger them.

"How exactly are you planning to do that?" I decided that it was best to play along.

Bella was one of the most perseverant people I knew, which meant she was as stubborn as a mule. So if a I discourage her now she will still do it but behind my back.

"Our neighbor was throwing out this two beat up bikes, I paid like 50 dollars for each and I am having Jacob fix them up"

My eyes bulged "You are what?!"

"I was thinking back to the first time I saw him; I was having an adrenaline rush while riding the bike with that guy so maybe that is what triggers it" she explained as if what she was saying was completely normal.

My mouth was hanging open. She finally lost it. Heartbreak finally destroyed the little sanity my sister had left.

"Do you even know how to ride a bike?" I inquired skeptical, knowing fully well that she lacked any of the quality one most possess before trying to ride one.

"No" Bella lip her lip "But Jacob does, he can teach me after he is done re-building them"

"Jacob Black?" I snorted "You went to a 16-year-old for help, nice choice"

"You are just 6 months older than him" Bella crossed her arms defensive "Besides he looks older than me and really knows his way around cars and mechanics"

"I am not judging his age" I gave her a sour look "What I mean is that the guy has a hopeless crush on you and doing this is just leading him on"

"I am not" she shook her head; she did not deny Jacob's crush on her. We both know it was plain obvious.

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