Chapter 5: Inner Wounds

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"Where were you?" Bella asked me with a goofy smile as I entered the kitchen, Edward was sitting on one of the chairs from the kitchen, I high fived him as I took a seat in front of him. He gave me a jovial smile, I had obviously interrupter some kind of teasing but they did not seem to mind.

"I was with Rosalie" I shrugged my shoulders not hiding my whereabouts or deflecting the truth, Bella's goofy smile quivered. I tried not pay much attention since in less than two weeks Bella will know about my relationship Rosalie.

I eyed Edward, knowing he was reading my mind, to actually informed him of the plan, he nodded slightly with a confident and discrete wink.

"Oh" she blinked, then tried to regain her composure "What were you guys doing?"

I turned back to my sister.

Bella was trying hard to play it cool but I could also hear the hesitance on her voice, like she couldn't understand why I was hanging out with Rosalie.

"We were watching a movie" I shrugged my shoulders with a smile, before pretending to be a little scandalize "Can you believe Rosalie has never watched any of the marvel universe movies?"

Edward snickered in front of me, I rolled my eyes.

"I must admit it is hard to picture my sister watching any of those superhero movies" he smirked at me with a raised eyebrow, I smiled proud of myself "She considers them tacky"

"Well I told her that we had watched a lot of her favorite movies and that it was time to watch some of mine" I leaned back in the chair and crossed my arms smugly, Edward nodded with approval "I have a thing for Iron man so it was just matter of time"

"It amazes me that you two get along that well" Bella mused and I shifted a little uncomfortable on my seat.

"What you mean?" I frowned and fisted my hands on top of the table. Edward gave Bella a wary look but remained silent.

"It's just that she does not seem like the most welcoming person..." Bella bit her lip as she placed the bowl in her hands on the counter, she faded like she did not know how to explain herself.

"To you" I firmly stated, Bella tilted her head confused "She is not the most welcoming person to you and therefore you think she is mean?" I gritted my teeth, Bella was taken back by my sudden outburst "You do not know her, Bella"

Bella raised up her hands "I am just saying that she is not the epitome of friendliness and even if I am glad you finally have a friend, I think it is odd that Rosalie wants to be friends with a human because supposedly that is the main reason she disapproves of my relationship with Edward"

"What are you implying?" I demanded slamming my hands on the table as I stood up from the chair, Bella took a step back and Edward appeared out of thin air next to her side but I did not spare him a second glance, my eyes only focusing on my ignorant sister "That I am not worthy enough to be her friend?"

Bella's eyes widened "That's N-not..."

"That is not what she meant and you know it" Edward stated when my sister couldn't continue her sentence. My eyes finally trained on the copper haired vampire.

"Stay out of this!" I growled at him. Before adding on my mind to him 'This is between my sister and I, you have not business on this discussion!'

He sighed and dropped the hand from Bella's shoulder, Bella frowned at me.

"Hey! You can't talk to him like that!" she scolded me "I did not say anything to offend you, I worry who you hang out with that is all, I would hate to see you get hurt"

Death by a Thousand Cuts | Rosalie HaleWhere stories live. Discover now