Chapter 17: Mono

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"I think that Jacob is ghosting me" Bella groaned taking a seat on the chair in front to me in the library.

"You think?" I asked sarcastically and not bothering to look up from my homework "He has not talk to you ever since the disastrous group date at the movies"

"It was not a group date" Bella corrected me "It was more like a group outing"

"Same thing" I snorted.

"It is not" I felt her shake her head, I placed my pencil next to my notes and finally looked at my sister "I have been calling his house but Billy says he has mono and is too sick to answer"

She was getting the zombie vibes again, the bags below her eyes were a testimony that her nightmares were back. It was starting to worry me, how it seemed she could not function without a guy in her life because even if she did not admit it Jacob Black was in love with her.

Like I am doing much better, I scolded myself. I am trying to get over Rosalie by hanging out with Kim.

"What happened that night?" I questioned her instead, I hadn't asked about it and my sister had not offered to tell me but she did mention it was not the greatest time and she had to cut the movie short.

"Angela and Ben had to go to Ben's aunt funeral" she bit her lip "Jessica got the stomach flu that is going around"

"So it was just you, Jacob and Mike?" I arched an eyebrow. Well no wonders why Jacob must've hated that.

"Yes" Bella blushed "It was a little awkward, Mike wanted to watch a romance movie but you know that I do not like that kind of stuff"

I remained silent, bringing up that she did not like 'that kind of stuff' ever since the Cullens left. Bella even stopped reading her favorite books.

"Jacob and Mike don't get along" Bella groaned "Halfway the movie Mike started to feel sick and we had to get out, Jacob was also running a fever"

"Did they fight?"

"No" she shook her head "It came really close, Jacob drove with me home and he mentioned his body ached"

"Fever and body ache" I frowned "It does not sound like mono"

"Are you a doctor now?" Bella snorted.

"No" I rolled my eyes "However mono is one of the most common illness among young adults and teenagers, they teach us this kind of stuff on school"

"Well, I am sorry I did not pay attention to that particular lesson "Bella exclaimed with sarcasm "My boyfriend was immortal and I thought I was out of the woods"

"That makes two of us" I sighed before I could stop myself.

Bella's head snapped to me so fast I was sure she hurt herself. I face palmed.

"What?" she inquired leaning on the table with both of her hands.

"Nothing" I corrected quickly, with a blush so deep I could feel it burning on my neck.

"You said 'that makes two of us'" she said not letting me deny my previous statement.

"I didn't" I replied just as fast as the last time.

I took out my inhaler from the back pocket of my jeans, I shook it before taking a hit.

"Yes, you did" she squinted her eyes at me.

"Bella" I cover my face with my face "Let it go"

"Soff" she tried to pry my hands off my face "Please tell me"

Death by a Thousand Cuts | Rosalie Haleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن