Chapter 25: Leah knows

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I was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the bulletin board where our pictures were being displayed. The door opens slowly but I did not bother to look who was it, the bed sank right next to me and a cool hand placed itself on my knee.

"You did not take them down" I pointed out "Let them here to collect dust"

"I have copies of them on my computer" she replied softly, squeezing lightly my knee.

I mused staring at her hand on my knee, her touch felt right. It also brought back memories of times when we used to be happy, that was not the case anymore.

I stood up and walked to the window tried to put some distance between us.

"Breakfast is ready" Rosalie bit her lip "Esme said that you should eat something, since you did not have dinner last night"

"At what time will Edward, Bella and Alice be arriving?"

"6 p.m. at Settle, we are going to pick them up" Rosalie gave me a small smile "You are inviting to join us of course"

"I am going" my tone was clear and left no room to discussion.

"You should eat something" Rosalie tried again with that luring tone of hers.

It was starting to get on my nerves "Can you stop trying to dazzle me?"

Her mouth dropped slightly but quickly she regained her posture.

Without anything more to say to her I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen, even when her footsteps were as silent as ever I could sense her following me.

"I made a little of everything honey" Esme smiled at me as soon as I entered the kitchen.

She was standing in front of the stove with Carlisle sitting on the counter next to it. Comparing to the last time I saw them – when we still did not know that our loved ones were safe- they looked 20 years younger. Their golden eyes were shining with complicity at the conversation they were having.

It was the kind of marriage that should set an example for the rest of the world.

The food was served all along the on the kitchen isle.

"I guess some things never change" I smiled at Esme as I took a seat on one of the high chairs, Rosalie took a seat next to me "You still cook like you intend to feed a battalion"

"I had missed cooking for you, Darling" Esme smiled at me as she placed the last dish she was preparing on the table.

I served myself a little of everything, knowing fully well that I was not even going to finish it.

"Soff" Carlisle turned a little serious "We just wanted to ask what you told people about us leaving? To create an alibi that add up to that"

I swallowed what I was chewing "I told them that you had a better offer but was indecisive to take it but some extended family of yours where going through some stuff and you decided to move to support them"

"That is perfect" Carlisle smiled at me "Thank you, we are going to leave you two to talk"

I wanted to tell them that it was not necessary, that there was nothing to talk about but before I could open my mouth they were already gone.

"You told Charlie about us" Rosalie fiddled with her thumbs resting on top her lap, I gave her a pointed look when she said 'us', then she corrected "About how we used to date"

I took another bite, delaying the conversation.

"I did not" was my response, I was still trying to convince myself that Charlie did not say all of that "He figured it out on his own"

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