Chapter 13: Bella's Allucinations

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"I saw him" Bella entered abruptly, I frowned.


"I saw Edward" She stared passing back and forth, I blinked and jumped to grab her from both of her shoulders.

"Where?" I shook her a little "Are they back?"

"No" Bella shook her head and took her hand to her mouth starting biting on her nails. I dropped back into the chair of my desk "I just saw him"

I felt like she had dumped a bucket of iced water on me.

"Oh" I could not help to quiver, swallowing the by now all too familiar lump on my throat "He is back then"

Of course, Rosalie would not come back even if Edward did. She had made really clear that she did not love and returning to a town where her pathetic ex-girlfriend lived was not on her plans.

"No" Bella shook her head again and wrapped her free arm around herself.

"Then what do you mean by 'I saw him'" I asked her exasperated.

"I was just outside of the movies, a motorbike gang was hanging around an alley right next to the Cinema" Bella was looking out my window, her back to me.

I took a quick hit from my inhaler, the scene she was describing to close to that time on Port Angeles.

"They were cat calling us and right when I was about to turn around the other way, I saw him" she turned to me and her eyes were glossy with unshed tears "He told me to walk away"

"So he is back" I rolled my eyes getting annoyed.

"No" Bella shook her head once again but now more upset "It was like a ghost"

My heart stopped for a second, I took another shot from my inhaler.

"What do you mean a ghost?" I asked standing up from the chair slowly, Bella was watching my every move and I did not want to spook her as I came closer to her.

"It was him" Bella closed her eyes with a pained expression her arms wrapped tighter around herself, like something was aching her deep inside, I knew what it was. The pieces of her broken heart "But it was like a ghost of him, he moved and told me to walk away" I carefully lead her to the bed trying to touch her as little as I could "It looked like him and it sounded like him but it was transparent"

"Bella are you trying to tell me that you..." I cleared my throat not knowing how to continue.

"You think I am crazy" she dropped her head on her hands, I rubbed her back.

"No" I spoke softly.

"I know it was not real" She whispered breaking the dead silence on my room "I know that my brain is making it up just trying to cope with the fact that he left me"

I had never heard her sound more miserable. However, a little relief was set in my stomach, so she knew that this illusion she saw was not real. It was not an improvement from the fact that her head was making stuff up but at least she still held a grasp on reality.

"It will be alright" was all that I manage to say.

Deeply I was distressed, I had multiple reasons. First I was still heartbroken and the fact that my sister was imagining things also worried me to death. Also a nasty feeling on my heart made me jealous, Bella was seeing Edward. Even if it was on a fake and disturbing way but it still she had a connection with him, that spoke about their true love.

Something I never had with Rosalie.

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