Chapter 12: Charlie's Ultimatum

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To: Soffia.Swan@

From: Maggs.Hussy @


I miss you too.

I will always be your friend so please do not ever think that you contacting me bothers me. The only reason I hadn't email you before was because I did not think you would want to hear from me. I am so glad that it is not the case.

I am sorry I took too long to reply, Emmet and I are on Africa and the access to internet here is reduced.

Edward made Alice deactivate her email, he did not ask that of me and neither did Rosalie. So I am not technically breaking any rules. Just don't tell Bella that we are in contact ok? We did promise to get out of her life.

I am sorry that you feel like that, I wish I could say something that will make you feel better.

Please take care of yourself, and please keep writing me. I will make sure to be more pending of my mails.

I miss you so much, Emmett send you a huge bear hug. His word not mine.



I could not help but smile. Maggie had replied to me. It had taken her two weeks but she did reply.

I had missed talking to Maggie, Rosalie and I spend the most time together along with her and Emmett. Alice was a great friend too – offering herself and Jasper to help me hide my relationship with Rosalie- but she also spent a lot of time with Bella and Edward which decreased our time together.

Maggie's reply gave me something to hold on. Something that told me that in fact all that had happened was real. Not something I made up in my head.

Someone who knew everything and was willing to listen to me.

"Soffia" Kim's voice shook me out of my thoughts as I closed the email app on my phone "Are you ok? I lost you for a second"

"I am sorry, and it's Soff" I shook my head trying to ease her "A letter of admission"

We were both on a café next to the arcade in Forks, Kim had mentioned she was failing Chemistry so I offered myself up as a tutor. She said that in exchange –even when I said it was no necessary- she will pay for the milkshakes as we worked.

"Where you got into?" she bit on the end of her pencil with a naughty smile, she seemed excited for me.

"Stanford" I couldn't help but blush as her eyes bulged.

"That is huge!" she placed her hand on my arm and squeezed it "Congratulations Prodigy"

I shook my head amused at her antiques, somehow she managed to point out how smart without calling me a nerd. That was something new.

"Thanks" I nodded my head and tried to eye what she was doing, I could at first sight spot some errors on the redox reaction she was attempting to solve.

"Do you know where you are going?" Kim raised both of her eyebrows expectant "I figure you have this whole plan of life already planned out"

Well I used to but no so much anymore.

"I am still indecisive" I took the notebook from under her and started correcting her.

"Well you must have too many options" Kim interrupted my trail of thought once again and I looked up from her notes "I will be lucky if I get in community college"

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