Chapter 8: Loving An Angel

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My knuckles turned white as I clenched the wheel of my car. I love driving, ever since Rosalie had taught me how to do so it became one of my favorites activities, but at the moment I couldn't enjoy it.

I was on my way to the Cullen House, Rosalie and the rest of her family had been MIA for three days. At first I did not give it much thought, after all it had been sunny the day after Bella's birthday. Then when they did not show up the day after that I had just assumed that they had gone to a far hunting spot. Maybe they were trying to cheer Jasper up and decided to make a family trip and bond.

It was not something I could picture the Cullens doing, tho. The mental images off all of them gathering around a fire telling stories about how they had all screw up –or in some cases almost did- like they were on summer camp or something.

I must admit I was not too much worried until lunch time today.

"Soff" Bella pulled me aside before I could take a sit next to Angela.

I arched an eyebrow at her, the way she was fiddling with the sleeve of her baggy jacket.

"Have you heard from Jasper?" the question made me grimace, I had not had time to tell Bella about me not actually dating Jasper but her beautiful twin sister yet.

I swear I was meaning to tell her, but she had been so worried about everything that had gone down on her birthday. I was terrified of catching her on a bad mood, and she having a bad reaction because of that. Truly I was really waiting for Rosalie to be with me.

"No" I shook my head "I think they are all hunting or something"

"I thought about that" Bella started biting her finer nails "But I haven't heard anything from Edward at all, I mean radio silent"

I could not stop staring at Bella chewing on her finger nails – a nasty habit she had hit to the curve years ago-, gently grasped her elbow and pulled it down.

Bella's confession had caused an unsettling sensation at the pit of my stomach. Her and Edward had a rather needy relationship, it was impossible for either of them to be apart from each other for more than 3 hours, and if they were not together they were constantly texting each other. So while it was not surprise that Rosalie had not texted me on these last days, the fact that Edward had not contacted Bella was worrying, were they avoiding us?

"Do you think it's because of what happened?" Bella questioned me, clanged to my hand.

I wanted to snort, of course it was because of what happened!

However, what really bothered me was that it had been three days. I knew it was possible that Jasper – and therefor Alice- had left for a little while, at least a couple months and that much I had expected but what about the rest? What about Rosalie? She surely wouldn't do that to me.

"I am going to the Cullens after Class today" I sighed, Bella nodded with encouragement "It's Friday and I have music lessons with Rosalie"

I bit my lip at my lie, but this was not the place nor the time.

"Text me" Bella nodded before sprinting out of the cafeteria, I stared at my sister rushing to her truck with her cellphone on her ear –my guess was that she was trying to reach Edward-, I was worried.

So here I was, just about to turn to the entry of the Cullen's driveway. My heart was beating heavy on my chest, and I shook my inhaler before taking a hit. I needed to be calm and not have an attack, right now would be the worst timing.

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