Chapter 23: At the Cullen's

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"This is awkward" Maggie whistled every syllable from the back seat.

She was leaning between the two front seat with her elbows propped on the shoulders of the seats.

I kept quiet with my arms crossed, Rosalie was driving my car and I was on the passenger seat –not like I had an option- since Maggie was already on the backseat when I got to the car.

"You were supposed to be taking care of her" Rosalie reproached at Maggie softly, giving her a look from the rearview mirror.

My head was a little dizzy, I took a hit from my inhaler but I knew it was more about Rosalie's intoxicating presence and less about my asthma.

"She was supposed to be at La Push" Maggie pipped in "I could not take care of her there"

"She does not need of anyone to take care of her" I grumbled with a frown.

I hated that they were talking about me like I was not right here. Even more like I was a toddler that needed a nanny.

Maggie was right, this was awkward.

"Victoria is out there and she is looking for you and your sister" Rosalie's tone was soft and unsettling. She was not one to have a soft voice.

Perhaps she had changed, I did.

"That is my and my sister's problem" I rolled my eyes.

Silence once again. We continued like that and I was forcing myself to stare at the windshield and not let my eyes wander to the goddess I knew was by my side.

A part of me was sure that they were having one of those vampire conversations but I was too focus on no caving.

"How did you even know where I was?" I inquired, it was weird that they simply knew where I was.

"Alice called" Maggie pipped in from the back seat "She told us to come and bail you out"

I nodded, of course it was Alice.

"She also said and I quote 'Could you please tell Soff to stop racing and being reckless until we come back? I cannot keep up with everything'" Maggie made a perfect impression of Alice's voice.

For a second I felt a little ashamed, I really shouldn't be causing problems when I knew what was going on with Bella and Edward.

Another part of me was so hurt and angry that made me not care that much about the first part.

"I can take care of myself" I scoffed.

The trees were flashing by but as soon as we arrived to the Forks, she took the path I knew too well, we were not going to my house but hers.

"You missed the exit to my house" I gritted my teeth.

"We are not going to your house" Rosalie shrugged her shoulders like it was not a big deal.

"Yes we are"

She looked like she was about to reply when Maggie interrupted "Charlie went home and found both of you gone but I was there, I told him that you were with Rosalie"

"That does not explain why you are not taking me home" I bit my tongue.

"I told him that we – Rosalie and I- came to Forks to follow Alice but by the time I arrived, she and Bella were gone, and that I called my parents and they are on their way" Maggie kept explaining like I did not just interrupted her.

"That is a stupid alibi" I rolled my eyes.

What was it with the Cullens and their nonsense excuses?

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