Chapter 4: Deep talks

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"How was it?"

I jumped scared holding my hands to my chest, I quickly turned on the lights of my room.

Rosalie was sitting on the swirly chair in front of my desk, with both, her legs and arms crossed. She was not wearing the same clothes I had seen her on earlier. This time she had on a yellow summer dress, that let her beautiful and pale legs on display.

"You scared me" I dropped the two shopping bags I was carrying on the floor and took a step forward.

"You had fun?" she bit her lip curiously.

"Yes" I nodded, a little smile appeared in my mouth at how much of a great time I had "Your sisters are quite something"

"They are annoying" she rolled her eyes and stood up from the chair to walk up to me "I am glad you had a good time"

"I am so tired" I yawned and dropped to the bed, leaving enough space for her to join me if she wished to do so. At first she hesitated but then she still laid down next to me, I propped my head up in her shoulder and passed my arm around her stomach.

"What did you buy?" she caressed my hair, I sighed in content.

"I bought a dress, a blouse and a skirt" I closed my eyes, letting myself get lost in her touch "The dress is black with a rim of red and it's for Bella's birthday"

"I have a red dress with some black" She mentioned softly "I can wear that and we both will have matching outfits"

"It'll be lovely" I agreed pecking her cheek lightly before placing my head back in her shoulder "The blouse and skirt are kind of clubbing clothes; I have no idea where I am supposed to wear it but Maggie insisted"

"I bet you look beautiful on them" she rubbed her hand up and down my back, I was becoming putty in her hands. I had missed cuddling with her.

"Why you changed clothes?" I asked her, while I fiddle with the smooth fabric of her summer dress.

"You don't like my dress?" she eyed down her body a little insecure, I frowned.

"Of course I do!" I cleared up "You look heaven sent"

"I thought you would like to see me in a dress" she looked a little shy, some blush made its way into my cheeks "Forks' weather is not exactly the best for summer dresses so I thought that maybe I could use it now, you mentioned at the Grand Canyon you liked when I wore dresses"

"I love vampire's eidetic memory!" I beamed, she winked at me.

We stayed quiet for a couple more of minutes simply enjoying each other presence.

"I thought you said you were not going to be sneaking into my room" I teased her as I snuggled to her side even closer.

"Edward is off hunting so he is not here" she explained hitting me lightly on the arm.

"Aren't you thirsty?" I looked up to her eyes, they were a shining golden, so she was alright.

"I hunted yesterday" she rolled her eyes and pulled my head back into her shoulder and continued scratching my scalp.

"I think Charlie suspects that something is going on" I bit my lip, Rosalie became a little tense but did not stop moving her hand.

"I heard" she mused, I expected her to continue talking but that did not happen.

"I am telling him the day after Bella's birthday" I announced "Once Bella knows it will be hard to keep it from him and all this hiding is getting ridiculous"

Death by a Thousand Cuts | Rosalie HaleWhere stories live. Discover now