Chapter 26: Free

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"So you think that Bella is going to be grounded for life?" Emmett kept trying to glance at the cards I was keeping tight against my chest to prevent this.

"Charlie said he intended to keep her grounded until he is 30" Maggie took another card from the pile and then gave a pointed look to both of us "He meant it"

"Sucks for Edward" Emmet snorted "Charlie hates him so much; he is never going to give those two his blessing"

"Blessing" I smacked my tongue as I discarded a card from my hand "For someone that claims to be so old fashion to care for a blessing, he sure likes to breaks all the rules, right now he is with my sister in her room while she is passed out, such a creep"

"He claims he is being romantic" Jasper mused, then smacked Emmett hard on the head when he tried to peek at his cards.

"I have to say that even if I do not approve of his stalker habits, Charlie did say that he could not step a foot through the door and he sneaked through the window" Maggie shrugged her shoulders.

Alice was keeping quiet all along and just kept watching that deck of cars from where we were dragging. She decided to not play, also Maggie and Emmett where whining about it being unfair since she could see the future. Jasper pointed out that it was not fair either to play with someone that could call off you bluff.

Rosalie had gone for a much needed hunt.

"Speak your mind Alice" I arched an eyebrow, she lifted her sight from the deck into mine.

"You won't like it" she bit her lip, Jasper glanced at her from the corner of her eye a subtle frown in place.

"Try me" I tilted my head, it was a dumb comeback since Alice of course knew what would my reaction be.

"Edward and Bella have a joint future, I no longer see one without the other" Alice was looking into space, probably reminiscing her vision "Bella is going to forgive him and they will be back together, with or without your blessing"

That was not a surprise, I already knew that and I do not have the gift of premonition.

I placed my hand of cards face down on the table and extended the other one palm up.

"Tell me my future" I requested with a mysterious tone.

Maggie and Emmett both snorted at each of my sides, Alice snapped open her eyes and frowned at me "I am serious"

"So am I" I took my hand back to my side "You keep talking about how Edward and Bella are meant to be, how much faith you have on that relationship, so tell me about mine"

I took a sip of the beer; Emmett had bought a year's worth of beer when he found out I liked to have an occasional drink.

"Which one?" Alice's tone was not reproachful, but I still froze at her words "I cannot see your future if you hadn't make a choice"

"That is not funny" I squinted my eyes at her.

"I am serious" she repeated "Which relationship you want to know about? The one you have with my sister or the one you have with the wolf's imprint?"

"I do not have a relationship with Kim" I rolled my eyes.

"Liar" Maggie accused me "You kissed her!"

"It was one kiss; it did not mean much" I tried to be as nonchalant as possible but truth to be told I was freaking out.

All my friends were staring at their red head sister, that kept analyzing me, for the verdict "Truth"

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