chapter 19

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All the bat family was shocked.  "harry please explain what has happened at your Hogwarts years?"

Harry looks at McGonagall and Dumbledore fidgeting nervously "Do I have to tell them what has been happening?" Harry didn't want to tell the bat family anything because 1) he was terrified, 2) he didn't wants them to kick him out because of the freaky things that had happened to him and finally 3) he didn't want them to stop him from going to Hogwarts.  McGonagall looks hesitant to say he has to but Dumbledore, being the uncaring guy he is, just says "yes My boy, you have to tell them. They have to know" while norrowing his eyes at harry.  McGonagall nods sadly,  slightly agreeing with Dumbledore. Harry looks down and nods.

"harry. take your time to tell us. Don't rush. So you don't have a panic attack, take deep breaths" Dick said calmly.  Damian, tim, jason and Bruce stay quiet not want to cause harry to have a panic attack and wanting to hear what has been happening. However, Bruce and Damian were glaring at Dumbledore in a angry sort of way. Jason had his hand on his pocket gun.  Tim was planning to find out everything about Dumbledore. 

Harry takes a deep breath before saying. "please don't interpret me as I say what has been happening to me whole at Hogwarts. I want to get it all out".   Everyone nods quickly. the bay family wanted to hear everything as quick as they could so they could kick Dumbledore out of the house.

Harry fidgets as he slowly explains everything "First year. the dark lord posseed my defence against the dark arts. let a troll into Hogwarts.  had to fight it. had to fight a 3 headed dog. I faught the dark lord in a dungeon over something called the philosopher stone. My teacher burnt into ash when I touch him.  Second year. Ron'sister, Ginny, got possessed by a diary that belonged to the 16 year old version of the dark lord. he had her use the basalik, a giant killer snake, to petfry/put in a coma muggleborn, witches and wizards born with non magical parents. I had to go into the chamber of secrets, kill the basilick, destroy the diary and save Ginny. in the process I nearly died but a Phoenix saved me. 3rd year.  My godfather, who I didn't know at the time, broke out of jail. he was believed to be james and Lily's murderer.  turns out he wasn't. didn't find that out till the end of the year.  Turns out it was someone called peter pettigrew who was meant to be dead but has been disguised as Ron's past rat.  When remus Lupin, my defence against the dark arts teacher of the year, and Sirius Black, my godfather, had pettigrew and was about to hand him over so my godfather could be free.  A werewolf attacked. pettigrew got free. remus went to flint the werewolf. Me and Sirius got attacked by life sucking dementors. Me and Hermione went back in time and saved him.. 4th year: I was put in a dangerous tournament which only people of age, 17+, were meant to be in it.  first take was to collect an egg from a dragon.. second task was collect ron from under the see.  final task was a maze and had to collectthe trophy. me and Cedric, a class mate, graced the trophy at the same time. we was transported to a grave yard.  Cedric was killed. pettigrew was there and he brought back to life the dark lord. we had a duel, I got away free.  5th year aka this year: hardly anyone believed me about Voldemort. the ministry of magic made a b*tchy woman called Dolores umbridge be a teacher.  She made me use a blood quills which scared this into my hand" he shows them the hand with the 'I must not tell lies' scar on before continuing "she made all theses stupid rules and we wasn't allowed to do practicals. So me, ron and Hermione ran a secret club to teach Defence against the dark arts and we called it Dumbledore's army. all year I kept getting dreams of what the dark lord was doing. In June, I got one of Sirius getting tortured. Me and dumbledore's army attacked the ministry to find out it was a trap. Sirius, remus and some other turned up..we all faught the dark side.  s-Sirius got killed by his own cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. Voldemort and some of the death eaters got away but now everyone believes me that Voldemort is back because the newspaper got a picture of it.  I think that's it. Any questions? No.. Its nice seeing you professors. I'm going to my room now" he then runs off to his room.

Dick goes after harry. Jason grabs his gun. bruce, tim, damian and even McGonagall, who hadn't known all the details, all glare at Dumbledore. 


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