Chapter 10

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it took an hour and half for everyone to finish eating and convince harry he didn't need to do the cleaning up.. once they were all finish, they all went to the living room.. .Tim, Dick and Jason sit on the sofa, Damian sits on a chair and Bruce sits on the other chair. Harry sits on the floor.  "Let's go over the rules now" Bruce said. "and yes you all have to stay as you  boys keep breaking them and harry needs to learn them". The batboys and Harry nod. So bruce starts telling the rules.

"Rule 1: You listen to everything me and alfred say and don't disobey us.
Rule 2: no fighting in the house and at school
Rule 3: No trying to kill your brothers.
rule 4: alfred won't clean your rooms so clean them yourselves..
Rule 5: You have to turn up and eat three meals a day. Breakfast, Lunch and Tea."

Harry was about to say something when Bruce cuts him off by continuing to tell the rules

"Rule 6: Don't talk over whoever's in charge
Rule 7: Don't go into the kitchen without Alfred's permission
Rule 8:  Don't go into other people's rooms and things without permission.
Rule 9: come talk to me or a trusting brother if Something is bothering you
Rule 10: No going out without myb permission 
Rule 11: Don't invite people over without my permission.
Rule 12: you go to bed and go to sleep when you're told to without complaining.
Rule 13:  Don't argue with me or Alfred.
That's all the rules for now. Do all understand? no buts or ifs about it" 

The bat boys and Harry nod. ,"h-how are we punished If we break a rule?' harry mumbled scared.  Bruce looks at him calmly said  "punishments would be time out, time in the corner, grounding and no electrics.  Food will never be taken away and punishments will never be violent and won't hurt so don't worry harry"

Harry was just about to reply when there was a tapping noise at the window.

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