chapter 30

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'I' = thinking 


Today marks the day Bruce, Harry, Dick, Damian, Tim, Zatanna, Kaldur and Jason would head to England to start the plan to defeat Voldemort and win the wizarding war even though only 3 out of the 8 people coming can do magic. All last night, everyone but Bruce and harry (and Kaldur and Zatanna  who was meeting them at the zatabeam at the edge of gotham) had been frantically packing for the trip because like the Weasley's, they had waited until the last minute to pack. So Dick, Damian, Tim and Jason would be exhausted all day, all usual, and will be downing coffee all day. 

Anyway Right now, Bruce was stood at the entrance of the manner waiting for Harry, Dick, Damian, Tim and Jason to come down stairs. All their trunks/suitcases were already in the boot of the strinkable car.  Harry was the first to come downstairs. "Morning Br-Dad" Harry said smiling. "Morning harry do you know where you brothers are?" Bruce asked. Harry thinks for a couple of minutes before answering "Tim is in his bedroom downing his 6th coffee. Jason is in his room downing his 4th monster. Dick is trying to wake Damian up for the 3rd time".  Bruce nods in understanding "Harry cover your ears" he said. he makes sure harry has his ears covered before shouting "GET DOWN HERE NOW AND BE READY TO GO" 

15 minutes later, everyone was downstairs and ready to go. They all get into the car. Bruce was driving. Jason called Shotgun. Damian was sat in the middle seat of the back row. Tim was sat on his left and Dick on his right. harry sat in the middle of the backwards row that faces the back row. After 30 minutes, they arrive at the Zata beam. Kaldur and Zatanna were already there with their suitcases. Bruce, Harry, Dick, Damian, Tim and Jason get out of the car. Dick and Jason put their suitcases into the trunk of the car before Bruce has the car strink. Harry goes over to Kaldur and hug him "Hey Kaldur" Harry said smiling. "Hello harry" Kaldur said smiling and kissing his forhead, making Harry blush. Harry then says hi to Zatanna and she says hi back. 

While this was happening, Tim starting typing the destination into the zata beam.  Soon it was ready, so bruce put the car in his pocket and sends everyone through in the following order:









"Wow that feels almost as wired as side apparating" Harry mumbled to himself as Bruce had the car unshrink. They all then get back in the car. Bruce was driving. Jason called Shotgun again. Damian was sat in the middle seat of the back row. Tim was sat on his left and Dick on his right. Harry sat in the middle of the backwards row that faces the back row. Kaldur sat on Harry's left and Zatanna sat on Harry's right. Bruce starts driving towards the place they were staying at.  Apparently Bruce own a massive house, in the middle of England so they were heading there and staying there until they finish there plan.   

It took the family, Kaldur and Zatanna a couple of hours to get the manner as the  closest zata beam wasn't that close. Once they arrived, they all quickly rushed inside and chose their  bedrooms. However, The overprotective batboys decided that Harry and Kaldur had to be at opposite ends of the hall so that happened.   

The group took the rest of the day to unpack, rest and to go over the plan. 

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