chapter 26

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'i' = thoughts   

'iu' = Signing 

Harry walks over to where the female voice came from. The female voice belonged to a beautiful young woman with blond hair in a ponytail. 'That must be Stephanie' Harry thought to  himself. Next to her stood a slightly taller woman with flaming red hair and a huge tablet into her arms.  'And that must be Barbara' Harry throught once again. Harry looked behind the two girls to find a dark man who was wearing a blue shirt with a bat on the front. 'I guess that's Luke as he is the only male of that group'  harry thought before looking to the last member of the group.  The last person was a young girl who was signing something to Luke. She had short black hair and was wearing all black. 'and that must be Crasannda'

"is this the new black haired boy Bruce has taken in?" the blond Girl, Stephanie, asked looking straight at harry which made everyone look towards the two. "Yes it is. Why don't you introduce yourself to them, Harry" Dick said towards harry, who nods slightly.  Harry waves hi nervously before speaking "H-hi,  I'm harry pott-- I mean wayne.  I come from England. I just found out that Bruce is my real dad. I'm 15. but I turn 16 on the 31st of July.  I don't think that theres anything else to say." 

The 3 girls and Luke look at bruce, then harry and then back to Bruce before exploding. 


"Harry looks like a older version of Damian. Its hilarious." 

'Is harry trained in combat? is harry going to be a bat?' 

"I love your accent. British accents are amazing.  Also Bruce, WHY COULDN'T YOU KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS?!" 

{A/N: I'll let you guess who says what.} 

Harry covered his ears at the shouting and  Dick hugs him "hey quiet down, Harry isn't found of loud noises" Dick said which shut everyone one up and made them mubble sorry. Harry slowly uncovers his ears and sighs in relief.   Everyone turned to face Bruce as Barbara asked "So why was we called here other than to meet harry?". 

"We are telling Harry about the bat family and we thought the rest of batfamily of this earth should be here As we explain to him" Bruce said as he gets a picture of them all in uniform on the screen "We will tell him what we were in the past and what we are now. Everyone understands?". Everyone but harry and bruce nod.. 

"I'll go first then. I am the batman." 

"I was the first robin, then red X, then renegade, then discowing but now I'm  nightwing" 

"I was the first Batgirl bit now I'm Orical." 

"I was 2nd Robin, dead Robin, then Red X 2.0 and now I'm Red Hood." 

"I was the 3rd Robin.. now im Red robin." 

"I was spoiler, then The 4th robin, then Batgirl, then spoiler again." 

'I was orphan, then Batgirl, now I'm black bat' 

"and im the 5th and most important robin" 

"I'm batwing" 

"now do you have any questions, Harry?" Bruce asked as everyone stopped saying who they were. ,"Yeah I have a lot of questions".   

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