chapter 2

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vernon, petunia and Dudley get out of the car and get their own suitcases. As harry put the diary in his pocket, slowly got out of the car and got his trunk out of the boot. Vernon quickly Locks the door before walking off with patunia and Dudley.   Harry quickly followed them while pulling his heavy trunk behind him. He followed them to the airplane que when patunia passed him his airplane ticket. by the looks of it, Harry was sat in a different part of the plane than patunia,Dudley and Vernon which  he was happy about because it meant he didn't have to worry about making them mad on the train. 

Harry got on the plane and quickly went to his seat at the back of the plane. He puts his seatbelt on  before taking the diary out of his pocket. He was going to be on the plane for ages. so he might  well read about his mum and his....... dad and learn about them

~time skip~

After hours of being of being on the airplane, they finally land. He gets of the plane and grabs his trunk on hid convabelt and looks for the Dursleys. he finds them in the corner of the airport and goes over to them. Vernon glares at him before they all go outside to the car they had hired.  Vernon gets in the drivers seat, Petunia in the passengers seat and Dudley and harry in the back seats.

vernon starts driving and they all sit in silence.  However the silence is soon broken by Dudley whining "I'm hungry,Dad". Harry roles his eyes and thinks 'of course he is hungry'.  Patunia turns to face Dudley "We are dropping the freak of with his dad First, getting money for putting up with his freak and then we can go get food dudleykins, Ok?" patunia says softly trying to stop a tantrum.   Dudley was about to whine about being hungry again when they pulled up to massive mansion that was on the edge  of this really dark, gothic city.   

Harry stairs at the massive mansion. 'wow. he must be really rich' he thought to himself in shock before getting yanked out of the car by Vernon.  Harry quickly grabs his trunk out of the boot and follows the Dursleys.Thegate was open for some reason son they walked up to the door and vernon rang the bell and knocked hard on the door, nearly breaking it.

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