chapter 31

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'I' = thinking 

'iuc' = writing 


Over the next year and a half, the group set their plan into motion. 

They first started by meeting Dumbledore in a neutral place and forced him to tell them everything he knew about Voldemort and how to kill him. This is when they found out about the horcruxes. They found out that Harry already destroyed the dairy, that harry was a horcrux, that Dumbledore had the ring and was trying to destroy it right now and that Dumbledore doesn't know what the last horcrux is. He also tells them where he thinks the slytherin Locket Horcrux is. Tim typed up a tick box for them on the horcruxes:

- Diary (destroyed) 

- ring 

- ravenclaw diadem

- slytherin Locket 

- Hufflepuff cup 

- unknown horcrux 

- harry 

After sending Dumbledore back to Hogwarts, Bruce sends Kaldur and Zatanna to the cave where the Slytherin Locket was because from the description of the cave that Dumbledore gave, those two were the best first to get that horcrux. However after Two days of Harry worrying about Kaldur and Zatanna, Kaldur and Zatanna returned to show everyone that the locket had already been taken by someone called "R.A.B" and
that the one in Zatanna's hand was a fake. After finding this out, A very angry Bruce met up with Dumbledore again and interrogated him about the fake Locket but the only answer Bruce got in return was "You need to go to the place that's hidden. get harry to call kcreature and he get you there" and Dumbledore disappearing. When he got back to the manner, Bruce told Dick, Zatanna, jason, tim, Kaldur, Harry and Damian everything that happened in the meeting which led to Harry breaking down with anger and sadness and the shouting of "I DON'T WANT TO CALL OR OWN THAT MONSTER! HE IS THE REASON SIRIUS WAS KILLED!".  After hours on hours of persuading him, harry finally called Kcreature. Damian and Bruce were the only one who didn't get freaked when the small creature thingy appeared in the middle of the room and called Harry "master".  They then proceeded to interrogate Kcreature on The Locket and on R.A.B. The group found out that R.A.B is the initials of Sirius's little brother, Regulus Black, and that Kcreature had the Locket that he was meant to destroy but didn't. However, Kcreature didn't want to give it up. So, harry gave Kcreature the fake Locket in change of the real one. After Hours and hours of trying to break the Locket, They finally destroyed it with a mix of Kaldur's water magic, Zatanna's magic and Damien's sword. 

- Diary (destroyed) 

- ring 

- ravenclaw diadem

- slytherin Locket (Destroyed)

- Hufflepuff cup 

- unknown horcrux 

- harry 

The next Horcrux the group went searching for was the Hufflepuff cup. No one had any idea of where this horcrux could be so they had to do some research and contact Hermione and Ron to help them try and work out where the horcrux could be.  After days and days of research trying to work out where the Hufflepuff Cup could be hidden, harry reseaves this letter. 

"Dear Harry, 

Wouldn't Voldemort want to hide the horcrux somewhere only he could get into? Like How gringotts has so many spells and curses in place so no one can steal anything from anyone's vault. So I was thinking what in Voldemort put one of his horcrux's in his vault? then I realized he wouldn't have a vault at gringotts. But that wouldn't stop him from putting it in one of his most trusted followers vaults. like Bellatrix's vault.  So maybe find a way to check there.

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