chapter 8

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Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian all share a look before looking over at Bruce and the boy. That's when bruce noticed they were in the room. "Hello boys" bruce said to them which made harry turn to look at them. The boys wave Hi to Bruce before Damian asked "Father who is this?" Bruce was about to answer Damian when ....

"Hello. I'm Harry Potter. nice to meet you" Harry said to them, smiling slightly but he tried not to show his nervousness. "why are you here?" Jason asked in a bored but angry tone of voice.  This time Bruce answers "We have just found out that Harry is in fact my son.  He is your new brother and will be staying with us" Bruce said calmly. 

'3...2...1' Bruce counted down in his head.

As soon as he thought 1, Damian and Jason started shouting.   "no no I'm not having another winny brother.   Why couldn't you just have kept it in your pants Bruce?!". Jason shouts Harry flinched at the shouting but  only Alfred and Bruce notice.  "I have a blood brother. I believe with Todd on this one  you shouldn't have kept in You're pants"  Damian shouts. Jason and Damian carried on shouting at Bruce.

However, Harry didn't hear that though. All the shouting at sent him into a panic attack and all he could hear was Vernon shouting at him. His knees collapse from underneath him. he brings his knees to his chest, rocking slightly and covers his ears.  Everyone was brought away from the shouting when they heard Dick asked "Harry are you ok?" 

Everyone, except Harry and Dick, turn to face harry as Dick kneels down next to him. "i-im sorry u-uncle v-vernon. i-ill be quiet  I-im sorry" Harry mumbled to himself.    "Harry everything's alright. Who ever this Vernon person is, isn't here.  you are safe" Dick says to him calmly. Dick had has a lot of experience dealing with panic attacks so he knew how to help Harry. "harry. I need you to calm down. Please take deep breaths. In through your noise and out of your mouth. that's it. your doing good".  Harry follows his instructions. He calms down after a while, however  he was so exhausted from his panic attack the  he leans onto Dick and falls to sleep.

Bruce chuckles quietly seeing this before carefully picking  Harry up,  harry cuddles into his chest.  "I'm going to take him to his room and put him in bed. then we will have dinner then go on petrol then  to bed ourself" he says quietly, the others nod then Brice takes harry upstairs

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