chapter 4

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"please take a seat. Leslie will be here soon with the tests" Bruce said sternly as they enter the tea room before he sits down on the arm chair.  They Dursleys sit on the Sofa, Dudley in the middle of Patunia and Vernon. Harry sits crossed legs on the floor even though there is a spare chair in the corner of the room. Bruce, confused by this, looks at the Dursleys and then at Harry before saying to all of them.  "you  never told me your names." bruce said..  The Dursleys look at each other before nodding and looking at Bruce   "I'm Vernon Dursley" Vernon says with his venous voice before pointing to patunia "This is my wife patunia". Petunia smiles at bruce before Dursley says "I'm Dudley Dursley". Harry looks at Vernon for permission to tell his name when he gets a nod, he looks at Bruce and says "hi. I'm Harry Potter". Bruce notices the exchange between Harry and Vernon. He realised there was something going on between them. He was about to say something when Dudley whined.

"mum! I'm hungry!" The baby pig whaled.   Patunia sighs and looks at Dudley "we are nearly done her, Dudleykins. Then we can go get food." Everyone in the room noticed that Dudley was about to explode into a tantrum like a 2 year old baby if he didn't get any food soon. Bruce, Trying to avoid conflict, says calmly to the Dursleys "Alfred can  put together some snakes for you while we wait for the test to be taken". Harry looks up at Bruce in gratitude that he had stopped a tantrum. Bruce noticed this and nods, slightly, to him.  "Thank you Mr Wayne. That would be most helpful" Patunia says smiling. 

Bruce was about to replay to her when Alfred walked into the room  with a female doctor following. The Doctor had brown hair that was tied into a bun. She was pulling a black suitcase behind her. "Patunia, Vernon, Dudley, Harry, This is Leslie.  She is the family Doctor" Bruce says calmly to the Dursleys and harry before turning to leslie and Alfred "Alfred please may you get some snakes for us".  The immortal Butler nods before saying "Of course Master Bruce" and walking out of the room.

"Bruce. Alfred told me to bring a blood test and a palturaty test. But he didn't tell me why. Can I have an explanation please on why I needed to bring theses tests?" leslie says calmly like she isn't shocked at all about the strangers being in the manner. "The Dursleys  believe that Harry is my son.  I need the blood test and palturaty test to have proof if they are right or not" Bruce said in a boss voice, the type of voice bosses use to tell the workers their is no way out this. Leslie nods in understanding, like Bruce maybe having another son wasn't a shock.

She lays the suitcase down on thee ground and opens it. She then takes out a needle. She looks at Harry. "I need to take a blood sample from you for the tests.  Is that ok?" she asked calmly. Harry nods slightly and pulls his sleeve so she could get to his vein. She sticks the needle in his arm and slowly takes  some blood. She puts the blood in a vile and puts it in the blood test machine that was in her suitcase. Leslie also compares Bruce's and Harry's DNA for the palturaty test. 

"We need to wait 5 minutes now for the test results to come back" She says to Bruce and Harry as Alfred walks I'm with sneaks. He places the plate of sneaks on the table. Dudley quickly digs into the snakes and eats quickly.
Leslie, Bruce and Alfred watch him with disgust. Harry looks unfazed by this because he is use to people eating like this around him..

Alfred was just about to tell Dudley to watch his manners and eat more slowly but then there was a beeping noise. Leslie looks at the tests and says "the results are back".  Vernon glares at her "Well. what do they say?"

"They say ......."

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