chapter 7

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Five minutes later, Alfred walks back into the room.  "master Bruce. I'm going to go collect the young masters from  school.  Master harry your room is ready". Harry nods slightly.   "Alright Alfred. Don't tell them about Harry yet. just tell them their is surprise when they get home" Bruce says calmly.  Alfred nods then walks off.

~Meanwhile at Gotham Academy ~

The agonisingly loud bell that rang through the halls of Gotham Academy  to signal the end of school for the day had only just finished ringing after ten minutes of Ringing. Most of the students had gotten off the campus by now, only a few remained. The ones who were waiting for a lift.  A part of theses remaining few was the four Wayne boys. Dick Grayson.  Jason Todd.  Tim Drake.  Damian wayne. 

They were all waiting by the gate to be picked up by Alfred.  The oldest, a 15 year old Dick grayson,  had a black eye.  Unlike everyone may think, he hadn't got in a fight. He had been beaten up by bullies.  The second oldest, a 14 year old Jason todd,  was leaning on the gate smoking a cigarette.  Yes Jason Todd smokes Cigarettes and no one can stop him.  The third oldest, a 13 year Tim Drake, was sat on the curve  reading a IT text book.  The youngest, a 12 year old Damian wayne, was standing next to Dick with his arms crossed. 

Soon a black limo pulled up infront of them. It was alfred to pick them up.  Jason puts out his cigarette before climbing into the limo.  Dick climbed in after him. Then Damian.  Tim stood, picked up his bag then got in.  They all put their seatbelts on before Alfred set off.

"How was your day, young masters"  Alfred asks as he drives.  Damian rolls his eyes "it was boring, Pennyworth".    Dick smiles and says "come on Dami. it wasn't that bad. Class was fun.". All the boys turn and looks at him.   "Come off it Dickiebird. you got  beaten up again" Jason said. Tim sighs and says "I agree classes were fun but did get beat up Dick".   Dick looks at them before mumbling "fine"

"Well there is a surprise at the manner that might cheer you all up" Alfred said as he drives into the driveway. "What is the surprise" Dick said practically bouncing up and down..    "go see for yourself master Dick. We are here" Alfred said before getting out of the car.  The boys all get in the car and rushed, well Dick rushed the rest walked, into the manner and to the living room where they heard Bruce talking..

There they saw Bruce talking to a small boy who looked around 13. The boy had raven black hair, emerald eyes and a lightning shaped scar on his face.

'Who is this boy?' they all throught

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