chapter 28

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'I' = thinking 


It has been a couple of weeks since Harry had met the bat family and started his training.  Today was the 31st july AKA Harry's birthday.  Dick had decided that he was going to throw a party for Harry's birthday. Cassandra, stephanie and Bruce had decorated the ball room and dinner hall for the party.  Jason and alfred had sorted out the food. Damian hadn't done anything but make sure everything was safe for his pets. Barbara and Tim has worked out a way for Ron and Hermione to get to the party from the uk. Luke worked on the music playlist. Dick set him self of inviting the other  guests (So harry could make some friends) He invited Wally, Artemis, Zatana, M'gann, conner, Jon and Kaldur. The ballroom was decorated with tons of Happy birthday Harry banners, streamers, a DJ desk with speakers and flashy party lights. The table in the dinner hall had a red and gold table cloth on and gold plates on top. There was a cale stand in the middle of the table but the cake wasn't there yet. Everyone looked so pretty and amazing.

Right now Harry, Dick, Bruce, Tim, Damian, Luke, jason, Stephenie, Cassandra and Barbara were all waiting the ball room for the party guests to arrive. They were all wearing party clothes. Harry was trying to convince Dick, Bruce, Tim, Damian, Luke, jason, Stephenie, Cassandra and Barbara that they could just call this off and have a family or they just don't have celebrate his birthday at all and just go back to training.  Harry didn't know that Hermione and Ron was coming because they were a birthday surprise for him and he didn't know any of the other guests (other than Wally, Artemis and Zatana) so that scared Harry. The full party list is: 




















The first of the gusts to arrive were Artemis, wally and Zatanna.  They had arrived a early because Artemis and Zatanna wanted to make sure Wally wasn't late.  Conner, Jon and M'gann was next. They introduce themselves to Harry before Jon goes over to damian and Conner and M'gann go talk to tim. Dick got everyone's attention to the door as Hermione and Ron walk in.  

"RON! HERMIONE!" Harry shouts running over to them and hugging them "How are you guys here and away from Britain?". Ron and Hermione nod at each other before Hermione explains "Your New Brother, Tim, and someone called Barbara Gordon helped us get here for your birthday through something called Zata beam.".  Harry rushes over to tim and Barbara hugging them, tightly and mumbling "Thank you". They smile and nod to say you're welcome. Harry goes round introducing Ron and Hermione to everyone, starting with the other guests,then onto alfred (who scared Ron and reminded him of his mothe and then finishing with his new family "And this is my dad, Bruce Wayne".  

Everyone starts chating with each other and got to know each other but half an hour later, everyone stops as the door opens and a new person came in. Harry felt his cheeks heat up, his eyes widen and butterflies in his chest as he looked at the new person in wonder.

 (Is this what attraction feels like? because i don't know). 

 "sorry I'm late, My king needed my help" The person said in the most amazing voice and cool accent Harry had ever heard which made Harry feel even weirder. "Its fine Kaldur, you're here now that's what matters" Dick said. 'Kaldur. so that's the handsome man's name. Wait handsome?! harry you don't even know him!' Harry thinks to himself as Hermione and the bat family smirk realizing what's going on through Harry's head.  Ron and wally looked really confused, the others went playing that much attention.  "let introduce you to the birthday boy" Dick said leading Kaldur over to harry, smirking even more as Harry's blush grows.   "Are you ok, My friend? you are really read?" Kaldur  asked harry, concerned. Harry nods, not trusting his voice right now  "Why don't you introduce yourself harry?" Hermione said. You could practically here the smirk in her voice.  Harry sends her a glare before trying (and failing) to speak normally "H-hi. I'm H-Harry Po-Wayne.". Kaldur smiles at him "Hello Harry, I'm Kaldur'ahm but I go bu Kaldur. It nice to meet you Harry" He said, shaking harry's hand lightly.  

The rest of the night went by far too fast for Harry. He wanted to get to know Kaldur more and be around him more but before he knew it, everyone but the bat family and Hermione/Ron had to leave. 

"So Kaldur heh?"

"Oh shut up 'mione" 

"at least it's not a quidditch player this time" 

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