Chapter 106

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On a late-night, Callie was in the kitchen she was filling up her water bottle when the back door opened, she looked back to see Archie.

"It's the middle of the night Arc," Callie stated as he rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing out of the house?"

"Late night run," Archie said as he pushed her out of the way, he began to rinse his eyes. "I got peppered sprayed on the run."

"For being on a run?" Callie repeated slowly.

"Yes," Archie nodded. "Why are you even up?

"Got caught up in homework," Callie answered. "You should get some sleep, we have school in the morning."

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't really care all that much about school," Archie stated before bolting up to his room. Callie sighed before going up to her room as well.


It was now school hours, Callie was standing at Kevin's locker.

"Kev, Cal," Betty greeted walking up to the two of them. "What your after-school plans?"

"Helping my mom with some case work," Callie answered.

"Cruising the bathrooms at Sheds and Royal," Kevin answered.

"Perfect," Betty smiled. "Then you two can join me for my first Junior FBI class."

"The one that your hot half-brother is teaching?" Kevin asked as he closed his locker.

"Yes," Betty nodded her head as the three made their way down the halls. "I asked Charles if you two could enroll, and he said everyone's welcome."

"I guess this could help with the fact I will be working in law one day," Callie stated.

"Exactly," Betty smiled at her.

"Remind me, is your brother gay or straight?" Kevin asked.

"I actually have no idea," Betty admitted. "But seniors from a bunch of different high schools have signed up, so who knows? Maybe you'll meet a cute, gay FBI agent-in-training."

"I'm in," Kevin agreed. "When and where?" After school, Callie was at her locker.

"Any room for me in your after school plans?" Sweet Pea asked as he put his arms around.

" It's a possibility, but a late one," Callie answered. "Ponytail is having me and Kev tag along with her on her first Juniper FBI class."

"Junior FBI class?" Sweet Pea asked. "Sounds kind of boring."

"Kev is hoping to find cute FBI agents in training, and I will get another glimpse at the law," Callie answered.

"What will you get from this?" Sweet Pea asked. "You are pretty reliable at investigating things in this horror town."

"Maybe I'll get better investigation skills on why you are cute," Callie stated, looking back at him, his cheeks grew pink and he looked away.

"What is your evidence so far?" Sweet Pea asked looking back at her.

"There are a few factors," Callie stated as she traced a finger along with the serpent tattoo on his neck. Sweet Pea removed her hand, then kissed her passionately.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again!" a voice snapped, they parted to see Honey staring at them. "Save the saliva swapping for non-school grounds. The both of you have landed detention."

"For kissing?" Sweet Pea and Callie asked in disbelief.

"This is a public school, not a private school," Callie stated. "If you want to restrict kissing then maybe you should've gotten a principal job at a religious school."

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