Chapter 35

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 Callie now sat on the student lounge reading the newspaper, it was about a letter taped to the door of Pop's shop. It was from the Black Hood and it was chilling. It read:

People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of drug-dealing child-killer and others like him. Now you must choose your fate. The next 48 hours will be a test. And I will be watching very closely. Show me you are pure of heart, and my work ends. Continue to sin and I will take up the sword again.

Callie put her newspaper down, everyone wore the same frightened look on their faces. 

"Callie?" Kevin asked as he sat next to her.

"Hm," she sounded looking at him.

"I can teach you how to fight a little," Kevin advised. " But manly just moves I know from the wrestling team."

"You would?" Callie asked.

" I'm guessing you no longer want to be Cinderella, you want to be more like Merida," Kevin stated.

"Exactly, I'm glad somebody gets it" Callie smiled." But this needs to be kept a secret, the serpents do not want me learning how to fight at all."

" Just meet me in the gym after school," Kevin told her.

"Thanks, Kev," Callie thanked him. Later that night Callie was in the gym, waiting on Kevin. As she waited she heard the door opened, she looked up to see the janitor.

" Hello Mr. Svenson," Callie greeted.

" Practicing for cheer?" Mr. Svenson asked. 

" A little," Callie answered. " I am also working out with Kevin."

"Well do not work too hard," Mr. Svenson wished her before leaving.  Kevin soon came in and set up a punching bag.

"Okay, you need to use your whole body," Kevin advised. " Keep tension in your hips." After an hour or so, they are both extremely sweaty, Callie checks to see that it was late.

" Thank you, Kevin," Callie said as they left the gym.

"No word about this to anyone right?" Kevin asked.

" Especially the Serpents," Callie confirmed. " Especially Sweet Pea, I don't want to face his wrath. If he ever finds out I did this behind his back."

" Not a word out of my mouth," Kevin promised her. " Oh, I know you hear this a lot, but be careful with the Serpents. I dated one and you shouldn't risk going through the same thing." 

The next day Callie walked to her locker feeling a little sore. 

"How are you feeling today?" Kevin asked walking up to her.

"A little sore," Callie admitted. " But I think the training from last night will pay off." 

"Couple more meetups and you should be able to punch a guy to the floor," Kevin laughed.

"Shh," Callie shushed him.

"Ther serpents are the all the in Southside High, the won't be able to hear a thing," Kevin pointed out.

"Can you meet up tonight?" Callie asked.

" We are going to take it slow," Kevin advised. " Otherwise the serpents will see that you are learning how to fight."

" You are not wrong," Callie agreed.


Later that night Callie was preparing to go check out that house that Jughead wanted her to check out. The house in Fox Forest from the story that the farm guy told her. She heard a knock on her window, she immediately walked over and knocked on it.

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