Chapter 119

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Jughead took the tape to his household, Callie mentioned it to Sweet Pea when she got to his trailer. Now they were both fast asleep in his trailer. They both woke up to the sound of Callie's phone ringing. 

"Why are people always calling you?" Sweet Pea groaned as he pulled her closer.

"I've been asking that question for the past two years," Callie said as she reached out grabbing her phone, she answered it. "Hello?"

"Callie!" Jughead exclaimed, Callie, pulled away from the phone as Sweet Pea opened his eyes finally. "Are you free?"

"What?" Callie asked.

"Charles is allowing me to help him with the tapes," Jughead answered. "And we were wondering if you could help us on this creepy mystery?" Callie looked back at Sweet Pea, he shrugged.

"Yeah, sure," Callie agreed. 

"I'm really happy you said yes!" Jughead cheered. "Think of this as our senior spring project. I will see you later." He hung up the phone, Callie groaned a little. 

"Shortstop," Sweet Pea breathed.

"Hm?" Callie asked.

"I've been thinking," Sweet Pea said. "And so have the others." She looked back at him again. "We all know you have earned...I believe it's time for you to receive your serpent tattoo." 

"I'm not sure," Callie said as she sat up. "I am just an ally."

"You are not just an ally," Sweet Pea denied as he rolled on his back. "You are more than that, we know that, and you know that." His fingers traced around the upper part of her back, where those ugly scars were placed. "You always complain how ugly these are, so the serpent tattoo can go over it, making it look cool."

"I'll have to give a lot of thought," Callie said softly. 

"I will want an answer at the end of the week," Sweet Pea requested. "It will give you plenty of time to think it over."


Callie was now in the FBI basement, she was with Charles and Charles.

"Well, the good news is, both drop-off boxes, the at the sheriff's station and the one upstairs. are under surveillance 24/7," Charles reported to them.

"So maybe we can identify the person who dropped off this faux snuff film," Jughead hoped. 

"Yeah, well, it's hours of footage," Charles reminded him. 

"Does this place have any popcorn?" Callie asked. Some popcorn was made, for a few hours, the three of them sat eating popcorn watching the footage. 

"Oh, you got to be kidding," Jughead groaned.

"You got someone?" Callie asked.

"Do you recognize someone?" Charles asked. 

"Uh, maybe," Jughead answered. "But I think Cal and I are gonna check this lead out alone. Is that cool?" Charles nodded, Jughead closed the laptop, the two students left the place. Jughead looked over at Callie, she was quiet.

"Who was is it?" Callie asked.

"You know her," Jughead answered. "She was the start of our problems with G&G."

"Ethel," Callie sighed softly. "Are we checking it out tomorrow at school?"

"Yeah," Jughead nodded. "Not ready to go knock on doors?"

"I just got a lot on my mind," Callie admitted.

"Who's behind the tapes? What is their motive? Where they alone?" Jughead asked.

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