Chapter 133

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A booth at Riverdale.

Betty was sitting across, from Tabitha, and a girl with a nose ring and lip piercing. The girl was one of Callie's vixens, a neck tattoo. 

"Look, I'm not used to this kind of thing as you are, but we just caught a man who might be the Highway Killer," Tabitha panicked. "Are you sure we shouldn't hand him over to the proper authorities?"

"Complete no," the Vixen denied. 

"If we do that, I could get cut out of the investigation," Betty added. "This guy might have killed Polly. I know I could get that information out of him. It is what I do."

"Let me help," the girl said. "Callie does say I have a special degree when it comes to interrogating people."

"Who are you okay with?" Tabitha asked.

"Sacramento," the girl answered. "I work the front desk at the 5 seasons, sometimes on the Highway depending on rotation."

Betty nodded; then looked at Tabitha. "I think it's time for you bow out, Tabitha. Just let us handle this, okay?"

"Are you serious?" Tabitha asked in disbelief.

"Deadly," Betty nodded. "Please trust us."

"Okay," Tabitha breathed reluctantly. "But if at any point you two need backup, I'm here. I don't want any other girls dying. And that includes you both."

Betty took Sacramento over to Riverdale high to the car shop where the man was being held. 

"Hi," Betty greeted as the two walked forward. "I'm Betty and this Sacramento."

"What's your name?" Sacramento asked as they walked over. 

"Martin," the man answered. 

"No, it's not," Betty denied throwing the man his ID. "That's not your name on the driver's license you've been carrying around. But the real Martin Tucker died almost 50 years ago. I'm with the FBI."

"And I'm a gang member," Sacramento said as she put her hands behind her back. "So you should really start telling us about the women you've killed along the Lonely Highway. All of them."

"If you're with the FBI, then why am I in some shop class instead of jail right now?" Martin asked as Sacramento fixed her hand. "I want a phone. I am a citizen of the United States. I have rights."

Sacramento walked over; she brushed her brass knuckles across his face. "Gang members don't always play by the rules." She tapped him. "Get talkin' before my fist does."

"You're not in the United States anymore," Betty denied as she walked up. "You're in Riverdale. Welcome." The man started laughing. "And killers of women do not have rights. And if you're thinking of yelling for's a long weekend."

"Let me guess, you two are one of those women who run around entrapping men and gets off on it," Martin began. "Who hurt you? A bitter boyfriend."

Sacramento laughed as she tapped Martin harder with the back of her hand. "I'm a lesbian...there's nothing to get off on." The man's smile dropped. 

"Okay, I'll be back," Betty said as she began to walk away. "Maybe next time, we can have a more fruitful conversation. If not, next time I'll just have to get creative...Sacramento keep an eye on him."

"With pleasure," Sacramento smiled as Betty closed the doors. "We are going to have some friends."

"You are one of those bitches that sit on the Lonely Highway sometimes," Martin smiled. "I've heard talk of you."

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