Chapter 7

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Soon Callie was back at the school with Betty. She was working in the blue and gold room with her when Ethel walked in with Valerie's brother Trev.

"Betty, Calli, you know Trev Brown, right? Valerie's brother?" Ethel questioned the two girls.

"Hey, what's up?" Trev greeted the two.

"Hey," Betty greeted, Callie waved.

"He used to be on the football team. But I quit, when I saw Chuck's playbook," Trev explained. Callie and Betty exchanged a glance. " And I may know where it is".


Later that night Callie was walking down the hallway with a couple of others.

"Football players behaving badly, what else is new?" Veronica questioned. "Steubenville, Glen Ridge. The coach's son being the ringleader. I mean, just how depraved is this town?"

"Color me impressed," Cheryl spoke from behind them. They all gasped and looked her, with their flashlights pointed at her. " A B and E with B and V. What would your holy roller mother say about this, Betty?"

"What are you doing here, Cheryl?" Callie asked her best friend.

"And where did you get those thigh-high boots?" Kevin asked. "They're amazing."

"Trev told Valerie, who told Josie, who told Ginger, who told Tine, who told me," Cheryl explained as she walked forward. " And I thought I would help out".

"Help? Or derail our investigation?" Betty questioned. Cheryl shined her flashlight in Betty's eyes.

"Get over yourself, Betty," Cheryl advised. 

"Hey guys, get in here," Ethel ordered as she opened the locker and pulled out the book. Everyone gathered around her and watched her open it. "Trev was right, they didn't even bother to hide it". Callie sees her name on there, right next to Reggie. After that, she never sees Reggie's name on the list.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Cheryl whispered into her ear.

"I tried, but you wouldn't listen," Callie whispered back. Ethel flipped the page and the saw Veronica labeled as the new girl. 

"New girl?" Veronica questioned. " Is that what I'm reduced to? Nine points".

"Better then " Big girl" seven point five," Ethel spoke. 

"Polly's in this book," Betty said in surprise.

"Next to Jason's name," Cheryl added. Betty walked out of the group as everyone looked at each other.

"I'm so sorry, Betty," Veronica apologized.

" This isn't...Jason would never," Cheryl said.

"It's right there, Cheryl!" Callie exclaimed.

"God," Cheryl breathed.

" Your brother hurt my sister," Betty stated. "This is what guys like Jason and Chuck think about women, Reggie used to think the same way".

"Nancy Drew," Callie said her warning voice.

"It's right here on the page Callie," Betty reminded her. " We're objects for them to abuse. And when they're done with us, they shame us into silence. They have zero remorse for the lives they destroy".

"Maybe I don't know Jason," Cheryl admitted before turning off her flashlight. Veronica pulled out her phone and held it over the book.

"I'll take a picture. We'll show it to Weatherbee," Veronica said. " It'll be the perfect cover up for your expose, Betty".

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