Chapter 38

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Callie was helping her dad and Archie carry a tree into Pop's, they were dealing Christmas trees for a little bit of extra money.

" What do you say, Pop? " Archie asked.

" Is it okay?" Callie asked.

" The best tree yet," Pop complimented as they put the tree down. " Thanks, Archie, Thanks Callie, Thanks, Fred."

" Oh no," their dad smiled. " Thank you, Pop, for letting us set up shop right in front of your diner." Callie saw Jughead sitting in a booth all alone, Archie and Callie went and sat across from him.

" You guys gonna stay in town for break?" Jughead asked. 

" Yeah. We were gonna visit my mom," Archie answered.

"But she booked a single's cruise so..." Callie trailed.

"How are you and Veronica?" Jughead asked.

" And that's my cue to leave," Callie said as she got up to go help her dad.

" Jughead, you want a Christmas tree, you and your dad? " Mr. Andrews asked.

" On the house," Callie added.

" It'll have to be a small one, Mr. A," Jughead answered. Then the two walked out to go look for a Christmas tree and help customers. When she got home she saw Betty walking up to her front porch.

"Betty," Callie called out.

" Hey Cal," Betty greeted as the two met in the middle.

" How are you?" Callie asked.

"Could be better," Betty admitted. " Do you have any new lead on the Black Hood."

" or Hoods," Callie suggested.

"What?" Betty asked.

"Come on Betty," Callie insisted. " How can he know about Polly being at the farm and you telling Archie at the same time. There is Black Hood, and one of them might be doing the others dirty work."

"That's insane to think," Betty stated. " I will think more about it." The two then made their way inside their homes, ones that stood next to each other. The next morning Callie sat the table with her dad, as they looked at his hospital bill.

" That is ridiculous," Callie stated.

"What is ridiculous?" Archie asked as he walked into the room. 

" My hospital bill from Riverdale General," their dad answered.

"How much is it for?" Archie asked.

" Eighty-six thousand," their dad answered.

"What, dollars?" Archie asked in disbelief. " That can't be right, can it? Or doesn't your insurance--"

"They probably made a mistake," Callie interrupted her brother.

"I'll call them tomorrow," their dad said.


At school, Callie sat in the student lounge with a couple of others as they participated in Kevin's Secret Santa. Callie sat on the edge of Betty's chair. Her secret Santa was Cheryl, she gave a really old picture of the two in a picture. Cheryl laughed and made a comment about having to retake that picture. Reggie was Callie's secret Santa. It was a pop doll of Kim Possible, she looked like her hair was blowing in the wind.

"This is cute," Callie complimented with a smile.

" She reminds me of you," Reggie admitted. " You both have red hair, a cheerleader, sexy, and is extremely fierce." Callie gave him small smile.

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