Chapter 85

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Early morning Callie was dancing around the kitchen making coffee when Archie and her dad walked in.

" What's got in you into a good mood?" Dad asked.

 " I scheduled a facetime interview with someone from Harvard," Callie informed.

" Already trying to leave the nest," Dad laughed. " You're going to break your old man's heart."

" I'll visit on my time off Dad," Callie smiled. " You know I will miss morning singing."

" And with that comment, I will send you some voicemails of my singing every morning," Dad said. Callie playfully stuck her tongue out at him. He poured some coffee and grabbed his things. " I will see you Rooster head later."

" Bye dad," both Andrews kids smiled. 

"So you and Josie?" Callie asked.

" Going to Pops with her," Archie said. " You?"

" I've been thinking about dropping one of my morals," Callie admitted. " I do miss Sweet Pea a lot."

" Called it," Archie smiled. " Kevin owes me five bucks."

"You guys made a bet?" Callie asked.

" And I won," Archie laughed before running out of the door, Callie laughed and sipped her coffee.


After school Callie showed up to the Serpents, as usual, there was barely anyone.

"Where the hell is everyone else?" Jughead demanded as he and Betty walked in.

" Oh, we're down another eight," Sweet Pea reported.

" Another eight?" Callie asked.

" All girls," Fangs confirmed, Callie had a suspicion where they went, and she was fine with it.

"Where are they all going?" Betty asked.

"Turns out Toni and Cheryl started their own gang," Sweet Pea said. 

" With a little help of our own Callie Andrews," Fangs put in.

" I helped form a gang, the choice was up to girls to join was up to them," Callie said.

" All the girls are defecting to it," Sweet Pea pointed out.

" Refer it as the Pretty Poisons," Callie ordered.

"So, what do you want us to do, boss?" Fangs asked.

" Nothing," Jughead answered. " This is all because I banished Cheryl and Toni. I just need to talk to Toni, get her back into the Serpent fold, and the rest will come back, too. They need to be reminded what it means to be a Serpent. I'll make this right. Callie, since you helped started the gang?"

" You want me to come?" Callie asked.

" Yes," Jughead answered.

" You either go or you are out of the alliance," Sweet Pea said.

" She won't be out of the alliance," Jughead argued. " Please Callie."

" When?" Callie asked.

" Tomorrow morning," Jughead answered, Callie, made a face. " Come on Callie."

" Can you make it happen at Pops?" Callie asked. " I have a shift."

" Yeah," Jughead agreed. The meeting shortly ended.

" Why did you help make that gang?" Sweet Pea demanded as they walked down the hall.

" Cheryl asked for help, she wanted to do it for Toni," Callie answered.

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