Chapter 109

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Once Thanksgiving ended, the second round of videotapes made its way across town, Callie opened the front door to leave for school when she saw one for Andrew's house. It was hours upon hours of the viewer's home but close to the door this time. Upon the tapes, college acceptance letters were being sent out. Callie was staring at her Harvard letter, it was a thick envelope. There were a few other thick acceptance letters, including ones from Northern Michigan, and the University of Rhode Island.

"Callie, you are killing me," Mom stated as she sat at the table. "Just open it already.

"Maybe after school," Callie stated.

"Oh, come on!" Mom laughed, Callie took a big breath before opening it, she pulled out the letter, a big smile fell upon her face. " I got in!"

"I knew you would!" Mom cheered getting onto her feet. "Your father would be so proud." She pulled her into a hug. "Now, you are going for law, but you should also go for another major and perhaps a minor, have you given that any thought?"

"2 majors," Callie stated.

"Nothing you can't handle," Mom said. " It would best for you to go for a business major as well a language minor, like Arabic or Spanish for along with the law degree." Callie nodded, back at school Principal Honey asked the school's guidance counselor, Mrs. Burble to offer extended office hours. Something for everyone was long overdue. 

Callie was now sitting on the phone with Jughead, she was telling him everything.

"Have you given much thought?" Jughead asked.

"I'm not sure, Mom' set on Harvard for me," Callie answered. "It seems that my whole future has been planned out. I'm not even sure if I want Harvard anymore."

"You not wanting Harvard?" Jughead asked. "Am I in some sort of new nightmare?" 

"You would be on the same page as my mom," Callie smiled.

"Cal, you have been talking about Harvard since we were in grade school, it all started when we both stayed up late to watch some criminal minds episode without our parent's knowledge."

"I know, Detective Jones and lawyer Andrews got in pretty much trouble after getting caught by my dad from Vegas wouldn't stop barking," Callie sighed, Jughead laughed. "Perhaps the University of Rhode Island would be better, it's definitely farther from Riverdale, that state is not connected to New York."

"Betty mentioned that Mrs. Burble ahs extended office hours, perhaps you should speak to her," Jughead suggested.

"It wouldn't hurt," Callie agreed. 

Callie knocked on the door, of the counselor's office.

"Come in!" Mrs. Burble encouraged. Callie walked in. "Ms. Andrews, I'm surprised to see you, candy?"

"A piece wouldn't hurt," Callie stated as she grabbed a sucker.

"What is on your mind?" Mrs. Burble asked as she closed the door.

"College, the future," Callie answered as she sat on the couch.

" I heard you got into Harvard, congratulations," Mrs. Burble smiled.

"Thank you," Callie smiled. "Expect I'm not sure if I want Harvard anymore, which is strange cause it's been my dream for as long as I can remember. Everyone in my life knew I would be able to get in."

"Tell me a bit about yourself," Mrs. Burble stated. "We can start unpacking things from there."

"For the past few years, I have been making negotiations from for the serpents, the Pretty Poisons. A couple of times I was even sent to go talk to the mayor for them."

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