Chapter 114

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A new week had started, Callie woke up to the sound of Archie's alarm going off at 4:45 am. Hearing the alarm go off was useless to her, for she was still suspended from school. She checked her phone to see a voicemail from Sweet Pea. She pressed play, closing her eyes.

"Hey, we ended up having to go a bite out of Seaside, the guy we are looking for is proving to be difficult to catch, maybe a bit longer. See you when I get back, I love you." Callie sighed as she rolled over. About three hours later, Callie was downstairs getting a head start on her homework.

"So you really got suspended?" Mom asked as she made her way down the stairs.

"And banned from prom," Callie added. "Betty is suspended as well."

"The fact that it's you and Betty are suspended..." Mom began. "Something isn't right."

"We know," Callie sighed. "By the way, where is Uncle Frank? I was so busy he here and gone before I knew it."

"He left town," Mom answered. "No surprise there. Archie made us some coffee."

"If you want something fresher, I can brew it up," Callie offered. 

"This will be just fine," Mom assured. "The fact you are suspended is good."

"How is this good?" Callie asked.

"You can work on more practice law cases," Mom stated as she poured her cup of coffee. "And there is nothing interrupt you all day." The law practice was shortly interrupted by Betty ringing on the doorbell, Betty dragged her all the way to Stonewall, they now sat in Jughead's room. 

"I have to write the best damn Baxter Brothers novel these Stonies have ever read by Friday, which coincidentally is the Ides of March. You know, Stonewall Prep celebrates the holiday by throwing a big blowout in the woods," Jughead stated. 

"Okay, well, then...Why don't you write about what's been happening to you here at Stonewall?" Betty suggested. "Like a roman-la-clef, let's say."

"Yeah, " Jughead nodded. "Like a prep school thriller.

"Sure," Betty nodded.

"We could start with my..."Jughead began.

"Start with Moose's arrival," Callie interrupted. 

"Exactly," Betty agreed. 

"You two are brilliant, you know that?" Jughead stated as he kissed Betty. He then went to work on his laptop, typing away. 

That night Callie was with Vegas in the shed doing homework, she had the music up when the door opened. 

"Callie," a  voice greeted, she looked up to see her mom. "You didn't tell me you were having a friend over." 

"Oh--" Callie began.

"Callie," a voice greeted as they stepped beside her mom, it was Bret and Donna. 

"You kids have fun," Mom said as she went back to the house.

"Why are you two here?" Callie asked they stepped in closing the door.

"It's about the Ides of March," Donna stated. "It's Stonewall tradition to celebrate, but others are more welcome to come."

"Why would I come?" Callie asked.

"I had a feeling you would say that," Bret said as he held out a tape. He walked over to the tv.

"What is this?" Callie asked as Bret put in a tape.

"You love your boyfriend don't you?" Donna asked. "I'd hate how he react to this?" Bret hit play, on the screen, it was from when Callie went on her date with Bret and kissed him, on the inside, Callie was smiling, but on the outside, she was in complete shock. "If you wish to keep your slimy snake around, you better show up Friday."

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