Chapter 61

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" Callie, I need you to come down to the Whyte Wrym with me," FP said. 

"What for?" Callie asked.

" We have matters to discuss," FP answered. " And to make sure Sweet Pea doesn't destroy everything in sight." He then looked at her father." I will have her home safely Fred."

" Text me every thirty minutes," Fred said before the two went down the Whyte Wrym. When they got there, they saw Jughead wasn't there.

" Where's Jug?" Callie asked.

" He went to rescue Toni," Sweet Pea answered.

" Who has Toni?" Callie asked.

" Penny," Sweet Pea answered.

" Did he go alone?" Callie asked.

" No, he took Cheryl with him," Sweet Pea answered. Everyone then disbanded and waited for Jughead's return with Toni.

" Why didn't you come with us when the riot broke out?" Sweet Pea asked.

" I lost you guys," Callie answered. " I ended up finding Reggie and took him to the diner."

" You took care of MAntle?" Sweet Pea asked angrily.

" He looked the same way Fangs did when he was accused, and Fangs is now fighting for his life, and it was my fault. We should have just stayed there till the crowd left."

" You can't blame yourself for what happened," Sweet Pea said. " We didn't know there was going to be gun."

" We didn't know there would be two guns," Callie stated.

" Why did he have a gun?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Mr. Lodge gave it to him, he was having Reggie do his dirty work," Callie answered. " Like a teen capo."

" Why?" Sweet Pea asked.

" For some reason, Hiram Lodge really wants to separate the Northside and Southside, he wants to drive everyone in the Southside out of town or something like that," Callie explained. 

" Why did he have Reggie do it?" Sweet Pea asked.

" I don't know," Callie answered. " But he was paying him and the Dark Circle." She then leaned against the wall and looked at the ground, trying to process her thoughts and make sense of everything.

" What are you trying to make sense of?" Sweet Pea asked.

" What?" Callie asked looking at him in confusion.

" You are making that face when you are trying to make sense of something," Sweet Pea answered. " You made the same face when you first woke up in the Whyte Wrym."

" It's just why would Ghoulies show up at Pops?" Callie asked. " How would they know to show up there?"

"No," Sweet Pea.

" No?" Callie asked him.

" This type of thinking you do, you solve things, and then you land in bad situations, and what if this time you do end up in New York, or something even worse," Sweet Pea protested.

" I'll call you," Callie said.

" And what if they take your phone this time? People learn from their mistakes," Sweet Pea explained.

" Aweee, you are worried about me," Callie said.

" I always am," Sweet Pea admitted. " It's a bit stressful." 

" I worry about you too," Callie admitted.


Soon Jughead came back with Toni and Cheryl, he explained everything that happened. Callie was with FP, he was telling her about Fangs.

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