Chapter 117

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 Callie continued on pretending to not be with Sweet Pea, and two obituaries ran about Jughead, one at the Riverdale Register, and one at the Blue and Gold, and back at Riverdale High. Once in a while, Callie would go down to the bunker to talk with Jughead about the plan. With this whole plan on fooling everyone, JellyBean was the only one that knew Jughead was alright. They brought Fp into it pretty quick too.

Callie and Betty knocked on the Sheriff's door, walking in. 

"Betty...Cal," Fp greeted as they stepped in, closing the door. "I, uh...I gave that bloody rock to Charles, he said the FBI is gonna have it tested."

"And when they do, they will tell you that it's covered in fake blood that you can buy at a drugstore," Betty came forward.

"The hell are you talking about?" Fp scoffed. 

"We don't want you to worry anymore," Callie answered. 

"Mr. Jones, we are really sorry that you've been worrying," Betty apologized. "Jughead's fine." Fp stared at the two. "He's...Okay, he's not fine, but he's okay."

"Hold on, you both know where Jughead is?" Fp asked. 

"Yes," Betty answered, Fp sighed heavily. Callie pulled out copies of the notes she and Sweet Pea took. She put it on the desk. "We will tell you everything, okay? But we really, really need your help, please."

"From what I am looking at, I'm afraid to ask, but what kind of help?" Fp asked as he looked over at them. 

"For starters, a search party," Betty answered.

After the morgue, office when Archie and Callie went rogue and told their mom as well. And then there was Veronica's sister, Hermosa, who was sniffing around, looking for bones. At the moment, Callie, Jughead, and Betty barged into writing seminar at Stonewall prep. 

"Hey, guys," Jughead greeted with a smile. "Well, what did you even miss me?"

"You gotta be kidding," Bret stated as he stood up. 

"Mr. Jones," Mr. DuPont breathed in shock. "I...I don't understand. We all thought--"

"That I was dead?" Jughead finished. "Well...Yeah, actually for a minute there, I did too."

"Yeah," Betty and Callie agreed.

"Hey, what's that oft-used Mark Twain quote?" Jughead asked. "Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

"What is happening right now?" Joan asked. 

"It is called getting comeuppance, Joan," Betty answered. 

"All of you need to step up your game," Callie stated as Jughead walked over to the board.

"You guys are reading Crime and Punishment, huh?" Jughead noted. "How apropos." He looked at a book before putting it down. "You know, the one kind of crime story that we never really touched upon in this seminar was the time-tested genre of a locked room mystery." Callie headed up to the desk as Betty went over to the doors. "Where all the suspects are sequestered in a room. One or more of them could be the killer, but the door is not unlocked until the identity is revealed. Betty, could you do the honor?" She closed the door locking it from the inside out. 

"The next bell doesn't ring for half an hour," Betty smiled as she turned around. "So for the next 30 minutes, your asses belong to us."

"Let's begin this game of Clue," Callie declared as she sat on the desk. 

"I knew you weren't really dead," Donna said looking at Jughead. 

"Good job, Donna," Betty congratulated. "And yet since you failed to prove it or find Jughead, we had time to figure out all the twists and turns of this murder-mystery that we've all been living for the past few months. Along with the help our Riverdale's bugging Queen."

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