Chapter 9

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The next morning Callie woke up to the smell of waffles and bacon. She opened her eyes to see Reggie walking into his room with two plates.

" Good morning my strawberry," Reggie greeted.

" Morning," Callie greeted as Reggie pecked her lips. " Why didn't you wake me up? I would have made breakfast."

" You seemed like you had an eventful night last night, I wanted to treat you," Reggie answered he handed her a plate. " Is that wrong?" He then left the room and came back to some water. 

" No," Callie smiled. A night later, Callie was on the way to the bathroom when she passed by Archie's room. The door was wide open, she saw him giving multiple hits to his punching bag.

"Hey Rocky," her dad said from behind her.

"Hey," Archie greeted as the two of them walked into the room.

"You know, I never thought I'd say that I miss you playing guitar, but..." their dad trailed.

"Ah, sorry dad,' Archie apologized as he swung more. " Just trying to get back in fighting shape for the field."

"This is all for the Bulldogs?" Callie asked.

"Coach Clayton's about to set the starting line-up, name a new captain," Archie explained. " It's like dad said. Football gets me a scholarship, which gets me to college, where I can study music. Captains get scholarships." Their dad put his hand on Callie and gently led her out of the room and closed Archie's door.

"Will you look out for him at school?" their dad asked.

"Of course," Callie answered.


At school, Josie and her Pussycats walked up to her.

"Hey," Josie greeted.

"Hey," Callie greeted back. 

" I don't know if Archie told you this," Valerie began. " But the song he helped with, turned out to be a hit,"

"That's fantastic," Callie congratulated.

"Thanks," Josie smiled before they went separate ways. " Tell him that I hope he keeps it up." Later that Callie was walking to the stands with a group of people when Reggie pulled her to the side.

"Coach offered me a spot to be captain," Reggie announced.

"That's amazing!" Callie exclaimed hugging him.

"If I get the captain, we would a power couple," Reggie pointed out. " I would be captain, dating the hottest vixen, and you would be the hottest vixen dating the football captain".

"Are we not already a power couple?" Callie asked.

" We will be more powerful," Reggie smiled he kissed her hand

"Callie!" someone shouted, they turned to see Veronica waving her over. 

"I will see you later," Callie flirted, she kissed Reggie before strutting over to Veronica. She looked back to see Reggie blowing her a kiss. She blew one back.

"Let's go, we have news," Veronica said, she hooked arms with Callie. They got on the bleachers and started over to her brother. " Betty, you're positively radiating Nicholas Sparks. Tell me about this Trev."

"Oh, there's nothing to tell," Kevin said. " Just one of Betty's sources, there's nothing romantic in the offing."

"Why is everything weird here?" Veronica asked as they sat down by Archie. " Why can't a date just be a date? How about you, Archie? How's life in a PG world?" Everyone looked at her. " PG. Post-Grundy. What, too soon?"

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