Chapter 57

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Nick was putting Callie's clothes back on.

" After the night I've wanted for with Veronica," Nick began. " I will come back here, then me and my boys will take you up to New York. Nobody will hear from you again." He then walked over to Archie. On his way over, he bumped into the desk, her phone fell onto the bed, Callie moved so the phone slid over by her. Over by Archie, he was at another desk. " You like dirty movies, Archie?"

" What the hell are you talking about?" Archie demanded.

" When I turn this laptop on, it's going to have a live-feed of my suite at the Five Seasons. Where Veronica and I will be having a," Nick explained.

" You're lying," Archie denied. " Veronica would never."

" She would and she because I said I'd let you go afterward," Nick answered.

" What about Callie?" Archie.

" Your sister is my property now, red," Nick smirked.

" I'll kill you," Archie threatened.

" You know...I think you just might," Nick admitted. " That's why this can only end one way. When I said that I was going to make my bones, I meant it. But you have to kill someone for that. And who better than Hiram Lodge's teen capo?" Nick soon left to go meet up with Veronica. Callie then sat up and grabbed her phone. She had 60 missed calls and over 100 texts from her dad. About 20 missed calls and 60 texts from Cheryl. 15 missed calls and 20 missed calls from Kevin. Finally, 40 missed calls from Sweet Pea and 20 texts. Callie decided that Sweet Pea would be the first person she will call.

" Callie!" Sweet Pea shouted on the phone angrily.

 " Shhh," Callie tried to quiet him.


" I don't know where I am," Callie whispered into the phone.

" W-what?" Sweet Pea stuttered.

" I was walking home from Pop', someone tried to grab me, so I punched them and then there was three," Callie explained trying not to cry. " I am terrified, Sweet Pea."

"HEY!" one of Nick's friends shouted. " I didn't say you can make outgoing calls!"

" Use my location! Hurry!" Callie urged as she ended the call before he could say anything. They then heard a thrashing sound.

" Take care of him! I got her!" the guy shouted. " You are misbehaving really bad!" He grabbed her hair. They heard more crashing sounds and keys jiggling. Callie looked at the corner of her eye and saw Archie. He began to walk forward. But Callie motioned for him to go. With one last glance, Archie ran to go save his girlfriend. The guy walked and came back a couple of minutes later with shirt off. He climbed on top of her, he began to kiss her neck, and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

" Please don't," Callie whimpered. 

" You can plead all you want," the guy said as he sat up. " But nobody will hear you." They heard a distant sound of a motorcycle. " I can't wait to bring you to New York with us." He began to unbutton her shirt. " We are going make you our slut, where we can fulfill our sexual needs. Especially, Nick, he will have available at all times. "

"  Please stop," Callie pleaded, she was in tears. 

" Not till we send you back to Riverdale with a baby," the guy smirked.

" Like hell!" a voice shouted. The guy turned around, to be punched so hard off, that he fell off Callie and fell on the floor. Callie saw Sweet Pea was standing there staring angrily at the guy. She noticed that he was wearing his brass knuckles.

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