Chapter 104

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They managed to find an old VCR, they hooked it up to the tv in Sweet Pea's trailer, and for 6 hours it was nothing, but the front of the trailer and nothing else. The two looked at each other. Callie's phone rang.

"Jones," Sweet Pea greeted as he picked it up. "Yeah, we got one as well...Shortstop." She looked back at him. "The Coopers and Jones got a tape as well."

"What?" Callie breathed as she furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's what Jones is calling about," Sweet Pea stated. The two stared at each other, for the next few weeks little by little everyone was revealing these random tapes for the front of their homes or businesses being recorded for six hours. There was a not single message that was brought with the videos. Whether it was a prank or not, it was highly creepy. By Halloween the entire town was on edge, everyone constantly looking over their shoulder. The day before Halloween, Callie was in her room putting her makeup on.

"Do you really have to go?" Archie asked. "It's Halloween."

"I'll be fine Arch," Callie assured. "Mom wants me to fly to Chicago and attend this one-day law class."

"This is our senior year," Archie reminded her. "You are going to give up this teen filled fun holiday for some boring law class?"

"Mom said we can hand out candy together," Callie stated. "Arch, you'll be fine, hand out candy or set something up at the community center."

"What about Sweet Pea?" Archie asked.

"It's not really his place to allow me to go or not, that decision is entirely up to me," Callie stated. "Besides, he and Fangs are going to do something together."

"But--" Archie began.

"Let's head to school," Callie stated. "Honey sure is being a complete pain about tardies." The two-headed to school, after a few classes they now sat in the student lounge with a few others, 

 "Bee, you okay?" Veronica asked. 

"Um, I'm not going to lie I'm a little on edge this Halloween," Betty admitted. "I mean, people are dressed up like the Black Hood and the Gargoyle King and there are those damn videotapes."

"I'm with you, girl," Veronica stated. "Ever since my dad broke into the Pembrooke, I've been looking over my shoulder. And if the town's got a voyeur now..."

"What's up, guys?" Reggie asked as he entered the room. "Who wants to TP Mr. Honey's office with me tomorrow night?"

"Reggie, it's senior year," Callie reminded him. "We're seniors."

"Exactly, Strawberry," Reggie nodded. "It's senior year. This is our last Halloween at Riverdale High."

"You hear the Cal?" Archie asked. "Last Halloween at Riverdale High."

 "That's not going to change my mind, I'm still going," Callie said.

"I'm in, Reggie," Kevin agreed.

"Huh?" Sweet pea asked.

"What? Kev," Betty smiled. "Why?"

"Honey gave me a week's detention for going to the bathroom without a hall pass," Kevin answered. 

"That's what I'm talking about," Reggie smiled as he grabbed Kevin's hand.

"Mmm-hmm," Kevin agreed.

"What about you serpent?" Reggie asked as he looked over at Sweet Pea.

"For your information Fangs and I made plans to go TP Honey's house," Sweet Pea answered.

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