Chapter Five

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"So we know a couple of the more vocal rebels by name because they did recruitment. They're in no way going to be high up on the food chain, but it's a start." I said as we stood around our 'war room' table, which was my office. 

We had the latest technology for computers, tablets, screens, satellite imagery, telecommunications and more, enough to rival even the most prominent police departments. We were all stationed around the interactive table screens with the information we had gathered. We had started creating a hierarchy and placed the two we knew of towards the bottom. 

"We need more scouts out, more feelers. We need to find more people and go up the hierarchy." Mark said as he looked down at the hierarchy. 

"We also need to find out more about these guys, see if we can squeeze more info out of them," Tomas said, pointing at the pictures we had taken. 

"So we use allied scouts and feelers while we run recon." Alexi, the new Head Warrior, said. 

"Good idea, put the word out," I instruct Alexi, who nods and pulls out his phone as he leaves my office. 

"So, what do we know about these two?" I ask as I blow up their pictures. 

35 and living in Seattle within the Grey Plaines Pack
No Mate, but three Breeders with whom he has 15 children. 
He is a Warrior within the Grey Plaines Pack
He has a history of drunken outbursts and fights but no major red flags. 

26 and living in Vermont with the Maple Pack
One breeder died in childbirth along with the baby
Omega in the pack was about to buy another breeder when I shut down the sellers
No priors

"These two are like chalk and cheese. Do we have any idea why they both joined the Rebellion?" 

"Derek was pretty vocal with his reasonings in an online video," Mark said as he grabbed the tablet connected to the main screen on the wall. He pulled up a video posted two weeks ago by 'Resistance Rebellion' on the Werewolf Social Media platform. 

"We must rise against this so-called 'moon goddess', who has decided to grace us with her physical presence and turn our entire world and society upside down." Derek ranted behind a wooden desk. He was furious, so much so that spit was flying everywhere, and his fists were clenched so hard his knuckles were white on top of the desk. Derek was in a red flannel shirt, with buzz-cut brown hair and a couple of scars on his flushed face. He was very well-built and clean-cut. 

"She turns out of nowhere, takes over our council and moves them. Now she wants to tell us that our breeders are real wolves and want to take them away from us! We have families with these women! We bought them! We fed, clothed, cared and loved them! And she wants to take them away?! Up-root them?! Destroy our families?! NO!" He angrily banged his fist on the table, and the boom echoed. 

"Pause it!" Mark clicked pause, and the video stopped. "Did you hear that echo?" Mark rewound the tape, and we all heard the echo again as Derek pounded his hand down. "He's in an empty chamber or cave or something. It is somewhere remote and quiet, or we would have found them again." 

"So we check mountains, ranges, quieter places," Tomas said. 

"Continue the video, please." Mark pressed play again, and the video continued. 

"And what about those of us who have girls who were meant to go into the program? Lost money and income and more mouths to feed! Who is going to help with that bill?" He took in a deep breath and centred himself before continuing. "We need to rise and demand we return to the norm, the right way and the way we are all comfortable with. These changes she wants to implement won't be quick; it'll be months of heartache, change, and separation, and you could end up with a used-up ex-breeder as your true mate! Plus, how are we so sure she is Selene? She could be blasphemous against our Goddess' name for her agenda. She should be tried for the murder of our ex beloved long-standing council member, not praised for killing him in cold blood! She is heartless, a murderess who wants to destroy everything we have built! Join the Rebellious Resistance and rise against her to protect your home, children, livelihoods and futures." The video abruptly ended. 

"Well, he is a charmer." 

"Interesting reasoning," Tomas said. 

"Nothing I wasn't aware would come out of the woodwork." 

"So money, ex-breeder mates and families were what you were prepared for," Mark noted. "But the murder charge? You were fighting under mortal combat rules, and to the death, you won, and your brother died." 

"Yes, but you spread a rumour that I murdered my brother in cold blood to take over the council, and there'll always be idiots who believe it. Enough people say it; it becomes fact." 

"Which creates a cloud of doubt and mistrust around you and undermines all you want to do." 

"Exactly, Derek might believe it himself, he might not, but the important thing is that others will believe him." 

"He has a few more of these videos, he seems to be the guy they put in front of the cameras, but he did do this video," Mark said as he clicked on another video. 

This one was an interview with Adam, our other person of interest. Compared with Derek, Adam seemed smaller in all aspects, and he did not seem as angry as Derek; if anything, he was a very broken man. 

"Hi, Loyal Rebellers; today, I have a loyal member of our internal team who has kindly come here to tell you why he joined us."


"So, why did you join our movement?"

"I found a breeder when I was 25; I liked her and had given up finding my mate, as many of us have, or even finding a female wolf who would want to be with me. We were happy, she got pregnant, and I thought I had everything, but then she died in childbirth. My whole world crashed around me, and my pup died too. The only glimmer of hope I had was to find another breeder, but she shut down the markets before I could. She took my only hope and chance of happiness away from me." I saw the ache and tears in his eyes and felt slightly sorry for him. I could give him happiness in the form of his true mate. 

"And I'm sure some will question, do you believe this so-called Selene when she says she can find your true mate."

"She may be able to, but she may not want me. She may have a family, which would cause me even more heartache; I am sure I wouldn't be the last. No, at least with the breeder program, I knew she was mine and would never leave me." Adam looked defeated, scared and timid. He was far too hard on himself. I understood he wanted true love and that he had had enough heartache. He was apprehensive but did not strike me as the angry resistance fighter type. It seemed he just wanted to be loved, and the breeder program was the only way he knew how. It was the only way many people thought they could get love. 

"Him," (I said, pointing to Adam) "He's our way in." 

"How?" Mark asked. 

"All he wants is love and a family; I can find that without heartache." 

"And if you find his true mate?" 

"He may be inclined to switch allegiances."

"Alright, let's go pick up Adam Ross," Mark said as he grabbed his coat. "Good thing the Maple Pack is an ally," Mark commented as he left the room.  

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